PQIA Noack test temp

Mar 31, 2012
Toronto, Canada
I've noticed that recent Noack tests from PQIA have been @ 245.2c instead of the ASTM D5800 standard 250c


Anyone know why this is and if the results could be compared?

My mind was blown @ how low PP's noack is now but then noticed the temp difference....
There is a discussion of the different procedures within the ASTM test here, in particular the linked white paper for details on the temperature and how the different allowed procedures compare:

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It's going to change for GF-7 too due to poor correlation with oil consumption in the field.
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There is a discussion of the different procedures within the ASTM test here, in particular the linked white paper for details on the temperature and how the different allowed procedures compare:

And in there lies the answer, in one of the links:

Thus, operating temperature necessary at the sensor in this configuration (later called Procedure B) had to be lower than the original Woods Metal Noack value of 250.0°C. Not surprisingly, it was found by the developers of this instrument that 245.2 ± 0.5°C was needed in order to approach Woods Metal Noack results.