Poop Storm Used Car Purchase

Apr 7, 2010
As some of you know, I bought a Scion a few months ago. After finally getting all the mechanical issues sorted out, I now have a problem of a different sort. I'm trying to get the car registered, but now I've run into the most unfortunate series of events.

This is the first car I have ever purchased from a dealership. All other cars I've bought have been from private sellers. Consequently, I was not aware that purchasing from a dealership is different from private sale by the bill of sale. This means I wasn't checking for a bill of sale when I bought the car. I assumed all I needed was as signed title.

So I went to get my car titled, and the tag office told me a bill of sale is required. I call the used car dealership for a bill of sale, and the poop storm begins.

A month prior to all this, the dealer had called me, saying if I was still interested in purchasing the Scion. I told them No, I am the one who purchased it. I didn't think anything of it at the time.

Back to the present, the dealer tells me they have no record of the car being sold. They start asking me for information about the transaction and tell me they'll get back to me. Later, they call me, saying they need to file a police report. Apparently, the associate I handed $2300 to, took the money and ran. Travis, was his name. No bill of sale or record of purchase exists, because it was never filed. The guy stole the money! I guess this is plausible, because the Scion was such a beater that no one expressed interest in buying it the entire 2 months I had owned it and the dealership had it posted for sale.

So now I need to figure out how to get proof of purchase! They told me they want to register the car in their name in order to provide a bill of sale. I called a lawyer, and they told me to work out a contract in writing to get this bill of sale working. AAAAAAHHHH, what a pain.
Interesting. Here in MN the dealer does all the paperwork. We only go to the DMV if we buy privately. Either way that is quite a painful situation you find yourself in. I imagine you'll learn a lesson you wont forget here.
Bill of sale normally accompanies a private or company sale also beyond title. I have done it on a napkin before. Moving forward do it with private sales also.

I hope it sorts.

Best of luck!
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The lawyer said the money withdrawal counts as psuedo evidence and the fact that I paid them $150 via debit card.
Thats good. Hopefully this will get sorted out for you.

After rereading, it sounds like you do have the title. Thats got to be good also. Was it signed by the dealership or the previous owner?
Why would you hand over somebody cash and not get a receipt?
Next time take someone with you that knows stuff......
Live and learn . I remember landlord at age 20 telling me how important to ask for receipt for anything when cash handed over including rent. Such a nice guy who gave me great advice outside of being a near slum lord.
I write out a bill of sale with date, VIN, price, AS-IS No Warranty, etc. and have the buyer and seller sign it. Then I take pictures of it with the buyer's and seller's drivers license and the title.

I learned from someone else's mistake... Years ago, my neighbor was burned by a family friend. The friend bought the car from my neighbor and never registered it. The car was used in a crime and abandoned. My neighbor was on the hook for fines, towing and storage fees because the state had no record of the sale and the car was legally still his. He didn't have a receipt for the sale because it was a "family friend".
You have options, none of them legal and one involves a Sawzall (its no longer a car according to recycling yards) and ebay.