oil shortages??

Apr 5, 2022
have you guys noticed empty shelves at walmart lately? my local store is nearly bare. today they had no more than 10-15 total jugs. it has been this way for months. no QSUP, no castrol gtx or edge, very few bottles of m1. quart bottles of all brands are non existent. all flavors of 5w30 are nearly gone except for supertech. even the $37 royal purple is gone. what oil they do have is 0w20. no euro of any kind. havent seen a full shelf since right before thanksgiving. they do have plenty of oil filters though.

i had to go to autozone and get my oil. it was in a bundle deal with stp extended protection filter. not sure about the filter quality. never used this kind. but anyway, yall noticed a shortage in your area??

I've noticed it for probably the past 3-4 years - but really only noticed it at Walmart. Autozone, AAP, and O-o-o-oreilly's at the moment don't seem to be affected.
The Walmart by us is a mess. The oil bottles are mixed up with leaking jugs everywhere. Can not find what you need. Last time i tried to buy oil at Wally world i had to lay on the floor to get to the last bottle i needed. All the bottles are wet with oil. What a mess the place is.
I will pay a little more and go to the local auto parts store. Screw Walmart.
Mine was like that for years, but there in the midst of a remodel and last I was there they had moved the isle and it was fully stocked now. We shall see if it stays stocked, but it was just 18 brands of 5w-30 / 0w-20 and nothing else anyway. Order online - free delivery over $35 for whatever.
Since other stores are doing a clearance sale maybe yours is waiting for the new plan-o-gram to restock.
About the same here though not as bad. The one I was at over the weekend I picked up the last QS Ultimate 5w30 jug on the shelf. I was at another store today that's closer and they typically have a decent oil selection and had tons of M1, ST, and Valvoline, they did have more of the Castrol Edge but no gold bottles and they had RP. This particular store didn't have any Pennzoil Euro-L 5w30 but had Valvoline European 5w40, they seemed to have the Pennzoil FS but honestly if I was going to get that I'd choose the QS and the money was all about the same, I would like to try it sometime but I don't feel that it's really all that much of a bargain.
I wonder if they're just not stocking the shelves as much. If I look on the website everything is available with 2 day shipping so they have it in stock elsewhere.
Walmart tends to be hit or miss in my area. One can be run like a slum in shambles, and another 10 miles away can be clean, well organized . . . and well stocked !!
All about Inventory On Hands. AI replenishes merchandise based on what the store is supposed to have.
Back in the covid era I got fed up with the lack of oil options at Walmart. Hopped back on the Amsoil train and haven’t looked back.