"OG" Ultra XG7317 Cut Open.

Oct 13, 2008
The Old North State
This one run 5100 mi. in 15 months on Honda 2.4L engine with M1 0w20 AFE. Same oil and Bosch Premium 3323 went back. Run from early 12/2020 to beginning this month. Typical results ime, nothing unexpected. No excuses needed, thing is built like a tank. Obviously had I chosen could have run at least once more. I have one of these left, couldn't bring myself to use it yet. Saving it for posterity. lol I'll use it at some point.


Folks be patient, in about 5 months I will have the same older style XG7317 filter with 30K miles. 👍

Ive seen Fram Ultra photos with 20K miles and they all looked good…. so I figured I would push the XG7317 another 10K miles.

6K mile drain and refills on my daughter in laws Honda, 80% highway miles and driven daily through a construction zone on the Florida Turnpike. Filter will be about 2 years old when I finally remove it.
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I'm getting a 2006 Acura TL soon... Car has 256k miles on it but it has been taken care of quite good. Car runs really good.

Will still be using these sized oil filters going forward.

Always good to see you on here sayjac. Hope you are doing well.
I'm getting a 2006 Acura TL soon... Car has 256k miles on it but it has been taken care of quite good. Car runs really good.....
Hey bbhero, glad you found a replacement for gray ghost. Yes, it too will use the 7317 application size.

Folks be patient, in about 5 months I will have the same older style XG7317 filter with 30K miles. 👍
You'll have me beat by 4 months and many miles, but linked* is an OG XG3614 I ran 32 months on a Tacoma 3.4L to ~14k miles. Confident had I chosen could have run it another oci, no problem. I have another c&p here topic XG7317 that preceded topic oci, ~4600 miles/1 year. Might post one pic here, but looks the same as topic, i.e. excellent.

As an aside, every time I see an "OG XG now, reminds me of the song Big Yellow Taxi,... 'you don't know what you got till it's gone'. :D
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Im sure you will like the Fram Ultra photos with 30K+ miles.

I looked at your photos of that Fram Ultra in use for 32 months and not surprised it looked very good.
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