Oakland Airport considering name change that would mention proximity to San Francisco

May 6, 2005
San Francisco Bay Area

It’s hard for me to imagine that most travelers don’t know that Oakland is right across San Francisco Bay, but apparently it is an issue.

There are obviously some parallels. Baltimore-Washington. Fresno-Yosemite. Bozeman Yellowstone. But there have been some crazy ones, like when Stockton Airport (about a good 90 miles from San Francisco) was considering a change with San Francisco in the name.
I get the confusion. Having never been there, the geography of the Bay Area and the distances involved are not easy to understand from the map.
I guess they don’t teach geography anymore?

A lot of people live on the east bay side and over the hills. Oakland should be the first choice for those residents and visitors over SFO.
I guess they don’t teach geography anymore?

A lot of people live on the east bay side and over the hills. Oakland should be the first choice for those residents and visitors over SFO.

There's no problem with locals knowing where Oakland is. I live in the East Bay and Oakland is always my preferred airport. But I've flown out of SFO because of better prices.

But visitors may not know. There used to be several scheduled SFO-OAK flights using smaller airliners like 727s. It's about 13 miles.
Sea-Tac (Seattle-Tacoma)

It's a primary airport about as far away from downtown Seattle as SFO is from downtown San Francisco.

OAK is a secondary airport though. But if they changed it to Oakland-San Francisco Bay Airport, that might actually be pretty accurate.

I remember, many years ago, someone was boarding a flight to Oakland, but somehow got boarded on the wrong flight and wound up on a non stop to Auckland, NZ
My dad graduated Oakland HS and he took us to see it when I was a kid. Metal detectors were less common back then. David carradine and Sheila E went there.
I remember, many years ago, someone was boarding a flight to Oakland, but somehow got boarded on the wrong flight and wound up on a non stop to Auckland, NZ

Confusing airport city names isn't that unusual. Especially San Jose, California and San Jose, Costa Rica.
Have you seen what a dump Oakland has become? Curing all of Oakland’s ills by changing the name of the airport is laughable.

Depends on where. The expensive parts of Oakland (like Rockridge or Montclair) are quite nice. The poor parts are dangerous. But even then there's a lot of gentrification going on.

The airport itself fine. About all there is around there is industrial businesses and shopping. I can't imagine anyone who has actually used the airport would worry about the name or its association with Oakland. Their big worry is that some (especially international visitors) might have no idea how close it is to San Francisco or how convenient it might be.
never been there myself, but mom was born in Oakland.
Her parents were missionaries for the Church of the Bretheren, they gave Grandpa a Church In Oakland, while he was studying Mandarin at Berkley, before they shipped out to pre-communist China. Mom's younger sister(by a mere 2 years) was Born in China.
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Book your flight into wonderful Oakland-SFO airport. Get to your human-feces filled streets with the convenient every street corner drug dealers to supply all your shoot-up needs.
When I went through the Oakland airport decades ago I thought it was not much of an airport. I happened to check out some YouTube videos and it still looks pretty dismal.

Then again, most US airports are like that.
When I went through the Oakland airport decades ago I thought it was not much of an airport. I happened to check out some YouTube videos and it still looks pretty dismal.

Then again, most US airports are like that.

It’s a rather typical US airport. I doubt most who use it think much different.

But it’s much better than SFO for on time performance.