New Marathon formulation w/ STP

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Jul 2, 2007
Anyone know if the STP add pack is any good that Marathon recently began advertising that they are putting in their gasoline?
No problems in three vehicles that get Marathon 87 octane most fillups. It's sister brand is Speedway. Once a year, I put a maintanence fuel injector cleaner (Techron) into the empty tank - then only fill the tank half-full. I won't do it if I burn all the gas within a day. I like it to workclean longer... at least for a few days.
I read that the additives are NOT the same as STP in a bottle, nor are they from STP themselves. Basically bought from another supplier and rebranded as STP products.

I read that the additives are NOT the same as STP in a bottle, nor are they from STP themselves. Basically bought from another supplier and rebranded as STP products.

No, as far as I know, Marathon, at least around here is not top tier. I was thinking about either trying them or the Holiday Gas stations around here, but seem to always lose about 2-4 MPG on the Holiday gas
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