Motor oil grill test.

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Sep 27, 2009
This is in no way formal, just a test some guy did on a vette forum. Kinda interesting. I'm not sure if it means a lot since most engines never see those temps, but cool to see nonetheless. You have to scroll down a little.

Mk? maybe if i was running something in a jet engine but seriously 500 degrees? I cant think of anything in a engine exposed to that temp. at sustained temps. Most oil isnt static like that it's avg temp is prolly about 150-160 degrees maybe? So this test shows abt nothing imo
That was hysterical! I love the pictures of the burning oil, then the pictures of the burnt residue! He sure was dedicated to his test, even when it all when up in smoke!
One of the dumbest things I have ever seen! Proved nothing, oil temperatures run about 15-30 degrees hotter than water temperatures. Most oil won't see over 280 F. The exception is at the piston rings, temperatures can reach 325 F in gas engines and over 600 F in diesel engines (but this is just for a split second).
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Originally Posted By: chief
Sure ruined a good muffin pan.


Yep, and repeatably heating oil to 500 F in an oven could ruin a good HOUSE also !
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Yeah, just remind me to stay restrained and not let the oil temp on my Camry hybrid get up to 500 degrees -- that would reeeeally suck.

Seriously though, this was an interesting experiment, but it is fundamentally flawed. What would BE REALLY HELPFUL would be to see which oils started burning up first, and which "held out" until later. We need pics depicting what happened with every ten or so degrees of temp increase. They're ALL going to be sizzled beyond recognition at 500 degees. What would really be interesting would be to see which burned up first -- or last.
Originally Posted By: ekpolk
Yeah, just remind me to stay restrained and not let the oil temp on my Camry hybrid get up to 500 degrees -- that would reeeeally suck.

Seriously though, this was an interesting experiment, but it is fundamentally flawed. What would BE REALLY HELPFUL would be to see which oils started burning up first, and which "held out" until later. We need pics depicting what happened with every ten or so degrees of temp increase. They're ALL going to be sizzled beyond recognition at 500 degees. What would really be interesting would be to see which burned up first -- or last.

^^A video,if possible. Now THAT would be really interesting to see!
I think this is a great experiment. It tells you what happens if you put oil in a muffin tin and run 3 cycles in a BBQ grill.
I love the comments about how well black and filthy amsoil holds up to black and filthy M1.

PLUS it gives the fire brigade nearly an extra half hour tu turn up and put it out.
I really wish API would release test data of all the oils running through all its ASTMs.

Then none of this [censored] (among others) would exist, and there would be a definitive answer to all the technical questions.

Of course, this'll never happen.
Well, you've got to protect the trade/craft/profession. If you told everyone all of this stuff ...heck, you'll have backyard tribologists mixing their own oils ..forming groups of like and dissimilar schools of thought ..creating and joining oil message boards ..

I think buster did this type of grill test earlier in his BITOG membership. He used the economy of tinfoil.
The top piston ring area can surely get that hot , and the cyl walls.
Do you think the fuel burn at a temp lower than 500F?

The same for discreet turbocharger parts.
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