Motomaster synthetic MP grease

May 25, 2003
Quebec Canada
I cant find the Lucas X-Tra polyurea grease in Canadian tire anymore. I always had good luck with it .. so im a bit disapointed

I have to repack the wheel bearings on Travel trailer , I will wash them all and repack with the Motomaster synthetic multipurpose grease NLGI grade 2 GC-LB .
The operating temps state on the tube is -40 to 350.6 farenheight, do you know if that compared to Lucas Xtra ? they said drop point 500f but I cant find a comparative with Motomaster .

BTW do you have an idea about who makes the motomaster synthetic grease

Finally is it a good idea to go with synthetic in place of conventional in this application
its not Citgo and or Mystic I've been told , I was trying to find the exact same product then Canadian tire but under their name

Here is their answer :
I recommend that you consider the use of Mystik JT-6 Synthetic 220 #2 Grease or any other Lithium Complex thickened NLGI 2 grease with an ISO 220 PAO synthetic base oil that is NLGI GC-LB rated. Mystik JT-6 Synthetic 220 #2 is blue in color, but it should be compatible with the Motomaster grease (red in color) detailed in the Product Information Sheet you shared.

We no longer manufacture products for Canadian Tire.

so the search will continue :)
Have you looked at Napa Canada? they may sell the Lucas grease you used before.
Nah ... the job is done with the red motomaster synthetic, Jonh Deere has some but I've already bought the other one anyway thanks for the idea :)
Gear oil at Canadian Tire is now made by Irving. Perhaps the grease is made by Irving as well but I couldn’t confirm that. Motomaster Synthetic has been my go to for years. The ball joints on my Chevy 3/4 ton are original with 240,000 miles. Here is Irving’s Synthetic grease. It contains PAO base oil.
