Michael Vick reinstated conditionally to NFL

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Oct 20, 2007
How do you guys and gals feel about this?
I think what he did to those dogs was disgusting and horrible.
I think he served adequate time in jail. I was actually surprised he got 18 months.
I gotta say the thought of this guy signing a multimillion dollar contract make me ill.
Do you think any team will take a chance on him?
The public backlash could be huge.
I don't really fault the NFL because they probably don't have grounds to keep him out (with all the other felons in the league)
I'm a huge football fan but I hope he never plays again...
I wish I was a football fan so I could say that I refused to watch whatever team hired him.

If he has served his time, he is square with the legal system, but any company that depends on PR would be foolish to put him in a position where the public is constantly aware of him.
Being a dog lover I would have liked to see him get life in prison. Then there would no discussion about him ever playing again!
Originally Posted By: XS650
I wish I was a football fan so I could say that I refused to watch whatever team hired him.

If he has served his time, he is square with the legal system, but any company that depends on PR would be foolish to put him in a position where the public is constantly aware of him.


At least he got much more than the rapists do.
Originally Posted By: demarpaint
Being a dog lover I would have liked to see him get life in prison. Then there would no discussion about him ever playing again!

Me too but it just not realistic when murderers get 18 days in jail.
o.k., the judge decides on the punishment, not you. the judge has decided he was punished enough. that means everything is square.
he did it, got caught, was punished, now it's time to move on.
same as anyone else who did their time. that's the way the rule of law works. it seems as if some people here want to write their own laws. that's NOT how it works. if u want a new law written, u need to convince people of the merit, then get an elected representative, etc. that's how it works, not by mob, but by freedom of speech, free election, and legislature. remember, he also has a mother, a father, a wife, a family, etc. he still has a lot that he can contribute, in the view of the judge, which is what matters, NOT the mob. that's why my father went to war, so we could live in a free world, and that's also why there was a war of independence. they fought so we could be free, so we could write our own laws, by an elected democratic legislature. I really don't want to go backwards to a world ruled by mob mentality, or kings.

we humans often treat other humans worse than we treat our animals.
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Good post Captain, he has served his time and paid his dues to the legal system.

Doesn't mean that he should get hired to play on a football team. However, I will leave that up to the NFL and the teams.
Agreed. He served his sentence so he gets to walk free.
Making a million + a year in a fan supported industry is another issue.
Don't get me wrong I don't want to see him living on the street but I wouldn't shed a tear if he was working construction, driving a truck or collecting garbage for a while. Its honest work and many people are supporting their families the same way.
He has served his legal obligation...he has not paid his debt to society. I am a big football fan and will not get NFL sunday ticket nor purchase any NFL goods until Michael Vick is a forgotten memory and is working as day labor on a street corner.
I wish they would put him in a cage with an MMA fighter that happens to be a dog lover and let them fight with no rules and no end. Then I think he would be free to play in the NFL after his legs, knees, and shoulders were capable. Also have that on pay per view to raise money for some dog group. I will not support or watch any team that he plays for. I hope no team hires him but I know one will.
He served hard time compared to Leonard Little who in '98 killed a woman (wife and mother) while driving drunk. He got 90 days in jail and four years probation. In 2004, he was arrested again for drunk driving and speeding. That time the DWI was thrown out (saved him from a felony conviction due to his prior) and he only got convicted on the misdemeanor speeding charge.

He at least served his time versus another player who did a lot worse.
That's a boilerplate talk radio argument. As imoral and wrong as DWI is it will never be considered a violent crime by the population.
Sorry. Killed a person or an animal.

I guess I am biased toward my own species. I'm a racist against non-humans???
Jerry Jones will hire him....he likes bringing controversial characters into the roster.

I don't care if the NFL hires him or not...my beef is with his morality, not his career. His life goes on, unlike the poor animals whos lives he took away. Now that his time is served, I'm hoping for some VERY bad karma to head his way.
I feel calling for the death penalty for hosting dog fights and for owning fighting dogs is a bit silly. How do these folks feel about bull fighting? or rodeo? or open pit pig barns(personally I'd rather be a losing fighting dog than live in that)... I guess demonizing Vick doesn't hurt the pocket book and is an easy way to feel like your "doing your part" for animal welfare...

I'm not for dog fighting, but I don't feel dogs or horses or cats or pot bellied pigs are superior or having a much more valuable life compared to other animals and certainly not more important than people...
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