Lets talk antivirus

Apr 17, 2012
West Michigan
Picked up a subscription to Norton with my new computer, then renewed it for a song but its finally expired. Seems like opinions are all over the place on whether third party AV is even required any more... and if it is which one to go with. On my last machine I just used the windows AV. On this one I haven't been displeased with Norton's but they've jacked the renewal cost up.

Is it worth going third party still? Last time I dug into this, Windows Defender was rated pretty highly. Is that still the case? Any good deals out there on top notch third party options?
I haven’t used an antivirus software since windows XP. That thing needed it back then.
But I always have my stuff backed up and if I see anything suspicious I just nuke the whole system and re-install windows.

My current system hasn’t been nuked for around 3-4 years now. When I built my new computer, I simply cloned my old ssd to a new one because I didn’t feel like setting everything up all over again.

Not saying do as I do, but windows defender works pretty well.

Also, that antivirus software hogs quite a lot of resources running in the background. If anything I would get rid of it and invest in a good firewall and VPN.
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I stopped using antivirus when I stopped sharing diskettes. Defender is part of windows of course, haven't been able to get rid of that but it's seamless so no real need to.
Hi, buck91,

If there's a dozen replies to this, there will be a dozen different opinions. Mine is that Windows Defender has become good enough to serve as your AV by itself. Keep Windows updated, practice safe habits like not responding to unknown emails and you're good to go.
If you want more protection, back it up with the free version of MalwareBytes, Avast, AVG, etc.

Deals on third party options come and go. Usually for one year with the idea renewal price gets jacked up.

Picked up a subscription to Norton with my new computer, then renewed it for a song but its finally expired. Seems like opinions are all over the place on whether third party AV is even required any more... and if it is which one to go with. On my last machine I just used the windows AV. On this one I haven't been displeased with Norton's but they've jacked the renewal cost up.

Is it worth going third party still? Last time I dug into this, Windows Defender was rated pretty highly. Is that still the case? Any good deals out there on top notch third party options?
No. It’s bloat ware. Uninstall and use Microsoft Security.

Most "aftermarket" AV will end up being a resource hog.
All I know is that McAffee that is installed in my two Lenovo laptops at the factory, seem to continue to pop up on my system- tying to get me to renew. I also suspect they may have some sort of "entitlements" to by browsing data/ etc- in the name of "protection".

I manually removed the McAffee recently and don't recall any new pop ups from them, but not thrilled with their constant unwanted marketing on my laptop- from a company that states their mission is to protect. Don't need a wolf guarding the henhouse.
I would also add that laptops and computers come with lots of other bloatware aside from antivirus.

I would re-install the windows right out of the gate, as that will get rid of all that bloatware. Simply uninstalling these programs is not enough in many cases.

The process is quite easy these days and no activation keys are needed. Takes about 15-20 minutes.
I use Windows Defender.

Many of the 3rd party antivirus companies are based in Eastern Europe. Sophos is based in the UK, Avira in Germany.
I would also add that laptops and computers come with lots of other bloatware aside from antivirus.

I would re-install the windows right out of the gate, as that will get rid of all that bloatware. Simply uninstalling these programs is not enough in many cases.

The process is quite easy these days and no activation keys are needed. Takes about 15-20 minutes.
The bloatware is the worst. They're as bad as feature phones where way back when.

No, I don't want

Xbox (kind of understand this a little since it's at least a Microsoft product)
You are going to get a lot of opinions with this question :)

Here is mine, Windows Defender is very good and Microsoft keeps making it better. I don't believe you need another antivirus software on top of WD.
This exactly. IMO NAV has been THE worst virus out ever there since Symantec bought out Peter Norton. I have never seen a virus choke a computer as bad as NAV does. I remove it from EVERY computer that I own or that I have worked on. I use Trend Micro House's free online virus scanner and Windows Defender and have never had a problem with virus.
I've used TrendMicro for over a decade and zero issues in that time. No viruses, no ransomware, nothing, it stops everything that trys to get in. And believe me I'm all over the Internet as well as the world in my daily surfing.
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I'll never pay for Norton. I just use the windows antivirus since I'm careful in what i download. That's the only real way you'd get infected.
I am no Windows user but I have to support several Windows laptops and desktops for clients. In my opinion/experience:

[holds hand up as high as possible] It is this important to NOT DO SHADY OR GREASY STUFF ON THE INTERNET.
[lowers hand ever so slightly] It is this important to use common sense when dealing with email attachments, links in emails, examining URL's of sites you're visiting, applications you're intent on installing, etc.
[lowers hand markedly] It is this important that you keep your OS and software up to date.
[places hand much, much farther down; at approximately knee level] It is this important to concern yourself over the differences in anti-malware products. Just use the one baked into your OS.

Then I mumble something something something Linux and leave.
I've used AVG for years with no issues. Maybe I would have no issues anyway but at least now I feel like I'm doing all I can.