keyless remote replacement

Jul 14, 2020
my mom lost a remote for her 2017 CRV. i need to get a replacement. dealer is $300 new key cut and programmed. i see a lot of folks advertising keyless remote services on FB etc. Any one use a locksmith or other to get a new remote done? was it less expensive than a dealer ?
Most locksmiths have some capability to program keys. But maybe not for all cars. You will have to talk to local locksmiths.

Normally easy to program if you have two working but much harder with only one.

I got a OEM Ford key and had a locksmith cut it for a few dollars and used Forscan to program it. But that only works for a Ford.

Ask the people who sell the keys on FB or EBAY how to program.
Have the key cut at a locksmith. I had a key I got off EBAY and had it cut at a hardware store. It was maybe $15. The key was way off from a poorly adjusted key cutting machine at the hardware store. When I took it to a locksmith to show him it took awhile before he stopped laughing at how far off the key was from the original.
Are you talking about keyless (pushbutton) start which includes a cut key (for emergency backup) or just keyless entry?

Because many of the former are dealer only program.

And some limit the number of those remotes which will work with a car (sometimes only 2).

And they are pricey!! :(

Proximity remote.
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Are you talking about keyless (pushbutton) start which includes a cut key (for emergency backup) or just keyless entry?

Because many of the former are dealer only program.

And some limit the number of those remotes which will work with a car (sometimes only 2).

And they are pricey!! :(

Proximity remote.
yep push button start. needs computer to program remote