Is winter blend really that much cheaper to make?

Nov 29, 2009
I'm utilizing all my empty gas cans right now and filling them up with all this $2.75/gal gas while the price lasts. Open just said they're reducing the supply so I have a feeling it's going to go back up soon. Opinions?
It will go up eventually. Oil prices have increased due to world affairs so it's just a matter of time. Hopefully the cheaper winter blend will help offset any increases.
Yes, there's butane just hanging around they can't put in the summer blend.
Standard specs for pipeline delivery started allowing higher volatility in mid-september here - the same as it is every year. Max volatility started Nov 1st (again, the same as it is every year).
Standard specs for pipeline delivery started allowing higher volatility in mid-september here - the same as it is every year. Max volatility started Nov 1st (again, the same as it is every year).
The governor of California allowed the switch a month early. Looks like they did the same thing last year.
So your statement they started early should be they were able to start earlier than normal in California. Again, it's normal here for allowable rvp to increase in September.
So your statement they started early should be they were able to start earlier than normal in California. Again, it's normal here for allowable rvp to increase in September.
I was just saying that's where I read it