Insignia NS-LED60F: What a bulb!

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Aug 3, 2017
I'm not sure what got me thinking about this, but I bought this LED 60w replacement bulb from BestBuy circa ~2013. This was still in the early days of LED bulbs, and I paid a decent amount for it (I believe around $20 for a single bulb at the time). It's now 2019, and the bulb has been in service almost 24/7 since purchase. It just sits in an "always on" lamp, day after day, never bothered. I've noticed the occasional flicker, there's a few heat marks on the cooling fins, but it just keeps glowing and glowing. I'd say I have at least 12k hours on it, probably closer to 15k, and maybe as high as 19k yet it just works and works. I just recently replaced it with a WiFi LED bulb, I don't expect this one to last near as long, although the novelty is cool.

I realize they aren't built like that anymore, and I would never pay $20 for a single bulb today, but it's impressive nonetheless!
I used to work for BB back in the day. Insignia was usually a rebranded product from a bigger mfr. Id buy insignia stuff but id skip the dynex, granted both are store branded (low end stuff).
Switching on and off is the most damaging/degrading. Leaving it on is best for it. So it's sensible that you achieve closer to theoretical lifetimes if it's on 24/7.
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