I have a favor to ask

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Sep 25, 2004
Marshfield , MA
I have (had) male breast cancer. I didn't even know men could catch it. Its rare, but not rare enough. The good news is that it is a major deal for women and very well researched. The trouble with male BC is that it is often not diagnosed early. I was caught at stage II B, and responded well to my treatment. You let cancer get to stage IV , it is a hard row to hoe.

Anyway , just as there is a site for oil, there is a site for MBC Awareness. Right now there is contest going amongst the various BC sites for a Texas oilman's 50K$ prize. most votes gets it. The site I support is:http://www.malebreastcancer

The site to cast your vote is: http://www.pinkwell.org/voting/
Scroll down the page until you see A Man's Pink . Thank you for your interest.
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BC is not rare in men. Matter of fact, men get it about 10% compared to what women get. Good reason is because mens breasts are about 10% the size of womens breasts. (on average).

I've known two men who had masectomies(sp), and both are doing good.
It is a kinda long story. I was toweling off after a shower. My wife says " hey you have an inney, My right nipple had folded in on itself. " Musta slept on it funny" I growled. I tried to get it to pop out, It didnt. A month later at a physical, I mentioned it in passing. Bingo, I was scheduled for a mammogram. A lump was found about an inch in size , that led to a needle biopsy. An inverted nipple is a classic sign. You should be aware of any lumps. They should be dealt with. If the physician blows you off, then pursue the issue if the lumps sting or the nipple bleeds. Getting your pecs palpated should be a part of mans routine physical
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