I'm starting to feel like the patent medicine huckster in "Little Big Man "

Sep 25, 2004
Marshfield , MA
Every time he shows up , he is missing another piece of himself. This time it was a half pound piece of my left lung. A small mass of breast cancer decided after 12 yrs to re-emerge. CT scan Pet scan and brain MRI come back negative for mets. Happy late 70th B'day present. Stand by for a Breast Cancer Awareness Alert. Those useless flabs with equally useless nipples are breasts. 2000 men a yr get DX'ed annually with BC. AKMHIK. Most at late stage. Ask your PCP about it at your next exam
Every time he shows up , he is missing another piece of himself. This time it was a half pound piece of my left lung. A small mass of breast cancer decided after 12 yrs to re-emerge. CT scan Pet scan and brain MRI come back negative for mets. Happy late 70th B'day present. Stand by for a Breast Cancer Awareness Alert. Those useless flabs with equally useless nipples are breasts. 2000 men a yr get DX'ed annually with BC. AKMHIK. Most at late stage. Ask your PCP about it at your next exam
Prayers in Jesus' name.
All prayers gratefully accepted Thank you. If my doctors are right, Praise and high fives should be given my PCP, who didn't like my noisy chest and complaint of stuffiness at my exam in March. General prognosis looks good. Once again, early detection is the best way to deal with cancer.
great movie citation. as I recall the chief did declare, over & over, in that movie, that it would be: '................... a good day to die.'
Take Care of Yourself andyd. you get a prayerful mention from a usually-not-very-religious person tonight.
And don't prepare that funeral pyre too early...........
I'm sorry to hear this, my prior spouse passed away from breast cancer and I too was aware it can happen to men as well. I'm glad to hear that your doctor did not find any mets, and I pray your scans stay clear.
i wish you well. while drs can fix bad stuff sometimes the person can help!! dont know your general health. BUT many times proper food choices + fasting has helped many according to reports on many health sites, good luck!