How often do you have an internal corporate audit at work ?

Usually only if something gets so screwed up and somehow makes its way to a customer… it took 9 years of me working here for that to happen and thankfully it wasn’t my departments fault. Otherwise we just deal with it.
To add to my above, food safety audits, pipeline audits and insurance audits also come to mind. None of this includes FDA and all the outside and customer stuff.

At the moment we are on I believe day 12 of a PHA audit. This one is every 3 or 5yrs? I should remember, because I've been "dragged" into them since a production tech has to be present/involved.
I found out someone at company last year had purchased $4000 of snacks from Staples.
K-cups for coffee, energy drinks, assorted boxes of chips / candy bars, bottled water, etc…

They need to be fired or repay that $4000, I blame the manager of this person not keeping an eye on their spending.

Office desk, chair, fax/ printer, laser toner, etc… is a business expense.
I work for a major corporation so I'm sure it happens, but I've never seen one in the 8 years I've been here. I would guess the folks who do the audits don't need to involve engineers. We're not really encouraged to talk to anyone, ever, really.
Working in medical imaging we would have annual audits for our ISO 13485 standards from BSI, FDA, Health Canada and industry Canada. Quarterly audits by CSA, Intertek, UL, etc. Pretty much continual audits with the occasional down time.