How much longer for Cheney?

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Feb 21, 2003
Houston, Tex
I don't think it would happen that way, but it would by nice to see.

Hillary: Ms. Rice, what was the headline on that memo?

Condi - I believe it was Al Queada plans to use planes to strike U.S.
Our former mayor (of NYC) would be a graet choice for VP. Pres. Bush might even carry NY with Rudy on the ticket. If Rudy could do for the US what he did for NYC the whole country would be better off. ( I have no problem with VP Cheney ) NYC current mayor Bloomberg sucks. He is a Republican in name only. A liberal who screws the working man.
Bush's ego wouldn't let him drop Cheney at this point.


On C-SPAN, Cheney was asked if he could envision any circumstances in which he would step aside. “Well, no, I can’t. If I thought that were appropriate, I certainly would. But he’s made it very clear that he wants me to run again. The way I got here in the first place was that he persuaded me four years ago that I was the man he wanted in that post, not just as a candidate, but as somebody to be part of the governing team. He’s been very clear he doesn’t want to break up the team.”

In increasing order of likelihood:

3. Cheney is dropped from the ticket, giving Kerry ammunition to call Bush a "flip-flopper."
2. Cheney's new doctor finds him unfit (physically) to serve. This will look pretty darn suspicious at this point.
1. Cheney stays. Bush rides this Cheney train right off the cliff.

President Bush's biggest personality flaw (and the one that will ultimately end his political career) is his unwillingness to admit to mistakes.


Originally posted by MikeR:

President Bush's biggest personality flaw (and the one that will ultimately end his political career) is his unwillingness to admit to mistakes.


I'll second that. Pretty usual in a president though...
How long will it be before Cheney gets dumped from the ticket? I'm thinking heart attack or heatlth problems for a reason to resign. Maybe his new doctor will decide he is unfit for the role.

Any ideas out there? The rumors are floating around in Washington. I'm surprised nodoby here has mentioned anything yet.
Heres my take on what will happen. Cheney stays on ticket till after the election. If Bush is reelected, shortly afterwards Cheney will retire due to heart problems. Condi Rice will replace him. Then in 2008 we will have a showdown between Condi Rice and Hilary for the 2008 presidency. In a way, I cant wait for 2008!
Dubya's core of support likes Cheney. The 15-20% who are not firm in their decision, won't care about the Veeps.

The NYT has once again reprted a non or ficticious story. Once, they were a news organization, they are becoming a tabloid.
Bush seems pretty loyal to people. I don't think he'll dump Cheney. At the same time, with his bad ticker I don't see Cheney sticking around a full 4 years. Rudy would be a good #2.

Originally posted by VaderSS:


Originally posted by MikeR:

President Bush's biggest personality flaw (and the one that will ultimately end his political career) is his unwillingness to admit to mistakes.


I'll second that. Pretty usual in a president though...

There is a big difference between Bush and the others. The others at least knew thay had made mistakes, whether they would admiit it or not.
QUOTE]There is a big difference between Bush and the others. The others at least knew thay had made mistakes, whether they would admiit it or not. [/QB][/QUOTE]

I have watched some of Clinton since his book has came out.In my opinion,he doesn't really believe his womanizing was a mistake,after mistake,after mistake,after mistake,after........He speaks the part of a wrong doer but his facial expressions and body language speak differently.His expressions and body language are more representative of someone that looks at his infidelity as just 'one of those things' you know,'no harm no foul' type of deal.
Clinton,in my opinion,doesn't look at his adultery as a mistake but as walk in the park kind of thing.He just doesn't seem to 'GET' that adultery is wrong.
Actually,considering all of the things he has done,I think that he just doesn't care whether it is wrong or right,he just does what he wants.
I don't know how much longer he'll last, we'd need to see his UOA first. Oh, you meant how long on the ticket, I thought you said how long before he kicks the bucket!

Originally posted by XS650:


Originally posted by VaderSS:

I'll second that. Pretty usual in a president though...

There is a big difference between Bush and the others. The others at least knew thay had made mistakes, whether they would admiit it or not. [/QB][/QUOTE]

Well in Kerry's case-he will never have to admit to a mistake because he has done absolutely nothing in his political career. Well he did marry two rich broads. As Neal Boortz likes to call him the "Poodle"
One other thing..Bush will not dump Cheney. So Bush has Cheney as an anchor but Kerry has his wife Teresa Ketchup. Mark my words..she will implode and possibly cost him the election. Kerry's handlers need to keep her out of the limelight. But she has such a big ego that may prove impossible.
Many people continue long careers dispite heart problems. Looks to me like for lack of any real issues the Democrats again are trying to manafacture one out of nothing.
I think that Bush should dump Cheney, but I'm not sure if it will happen. I guess I'm surprised he hasn't. Changing running mates isn't unheard of.

First there's the history. There have been many accusations about his past, and connections to oil and such. However many of these are false and depending on the new running mate, there may be just as much. It still seems, that might be a good idea, even if it's just to look good though.

Second. Why not line up a successor? Usually the Vice President is a younger candidate chosen to become the next party nominee. Ala the first Bush, Al Gore, ect.

Third. I can't believe that he's pulling in a lot of votes. Another person might be able to bring in different voters(like Kerry's pick). Does Bush need him for advise? If so he could easily be moved to another position.

I'm not sure if it will happen though, but it's definitely not out of the question?

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