Great Coffee-Sharing

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In keeping with the BITOG spirit I will share my economic and best bang for your buck COFFEE . Get yourself an electic bean grinder and by a 2 pound bag of the " EIGHT O'CLOCK COFFEE" WHOLE BEANS. This stuff is available everywhere and costs half what the DUNKIN DONUTS beans cost and I cannot tell the difference! If you really want it strong ala STARBUCKS- just double your beans as this is what they do. You experienced coffee drinkers will remember this as the old A&P brand.
I just got a email newsletter from coffee bean direct.

This sounds interesting:

They named it Poor Mans Blend
A well-balanced blend of numerous South American coffees. These diverse beans are blended and roasted to a city roast level to create an interesting balance of acidity and flavor. Priced at $2.75/lb for a 5lb bag and $2.50/lb for 25lb burlaps.
Another good one,

Today I ordered a Wall mounted Hand Grinder by Zassenshause. These have been discontinued, but I managed to find a store that had 4 left. I paid $124 for it and expect to have many, many years of wonderful service from it.

Couple of reasons I ordered it, one was that it will be easier and faster to grinder larger amounts of coffee, the box grinder you have to refill and empty about 3 times. With this one, I'll just hold my measing cup under it and grind away. The other is that since it's mounted on the wall, I don't have to hold it in place while trying to grind, again more efficiency.

Here is a pic of it.


If anyone if interested in these better get them while there are still around. has 3 left.

Originally posted by msparks:
I just got a email newsletter from coffee bean direct.

This sounds interesting:

They named it Poor Mans Blend
A well-balanced blend of numerous South American coffees. These diverse beans are blended and roasted to a city roast level to create an interesting balance of acidity and flavor. Priced at $2.75/lb for a 5lb bag and $2.50/lb for 25lb burlaps.

I just ordered 5 lbs. Even with shipping across the country, it still may be a good deal. I'll let you guys know how it tastes.

Update: After going through a couple of pounds of “Poor Mans Blend” the report is that it is quite good. It’s smooth and mellow that seems to defy its dark oily roast. It’s more of an afternoon or after dinner coffee than a morning eye opener. At $2.75 a pound it is a HUGE value. I’ll buy it again without hesitation.
Alright, I think I too may jump into this. I called them and asked about the samples and they will sell me 4 samples for like $2.00 a piece.

We really love strong flavoural types of coffee. Any recommendations on what to try?

Originally posted by flynavydiesel:
Alright, I think I too may jump into this. I called them and asked about the samples and they will sell me 4 samples for like $2.00 a piece.

We really love strong flavoural types of coffee. Any recommendations on what to try?

The French Roast is what I drink.
I would also try the Espresso and the "light" espresso.
I started with the House Blend and it's good to.

So there are your 4 strong ones.
1. Frech
2. Espresso
3. Light espresso
4. House Blend.
To get great tasting coffee at home, make sure you use only premium bottled water (POLAND SPRINGS in N.E.)to avoid the chemicals that your town or city add to the water, to ruin your coffee. The added cost of water will be reduced by the fact that you won't ever have to run Vinegar thru it to clean it and your coffee maker will last a long time as the heating element doesn't corrode!

Originally posted by H2GURU:
To get great tasting coffee at home, make sure you use only premium bottled water (POLAND SPRINGS in N.E.)to avoid the chemicals that your town or city add to the water, to ruin your coffee. The added cost of water will be reduced by the fact that you won't ever have to run Vinegar thru it to clean it and your coffee maker will last a long time as the heating element doesn't corrode!

When I used to sell water purification systems thats one of the demonstrations that we used to do. A very good selling point. I began doing that in my home and everyone that comes over comments on it. Water companies have to put certain chemicals in the water to treat it, and that does take away from the taste of any foods that was cooked with it or beverage that was made with it.

Anyone tried the coffee that's processed by civet cats ?

LOL, Shannow, I was listening to a bloke an ABC RN one day who had drunk a cup. He said it was pretty good, but he could never look at his moggy at home the same way again.
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