Google Pixel 3 XL battery life

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Mar 21, 2004
Near the beach in Delaware
I bought my phone via Google Fi and over time the battery would last less and less time. Called Google Fi yesterday and they are sending out a refurbished phone at no cost. I thought they would walk me through the app battery usage. It seemed too easy.
I would say it is one of two things.

1. A simple easy return policy
2. Its a known issue.

Maybe I am naive or just lucky but havent had a phone with a battery issue in well over a decade. (famous last words, ha!)
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If you don't have apps like Facebook, Instagram, and other social media, then consider charging the battery to 80% only. Get an app, Accubattery, it chimes once the charge reaches to 80%. You can also track battery life on this app.
At a times, Pixel will give you a suggestion to stop some apps as it runs in the background hogging battery. Allow Pixel to do what it is telling you.

If you are tech verse, root the phone (very easy method, loads of videos on YouTube) and install Battery charge limiter app, it will limit charge automatically.

But first I would limit charging and check every app that is on the phone. I have Pixel XL, easily runs for a day.
My Pixel 3 XL has very good battery life and I have been happy with it overall. I had a Pixel 2 XL and a Pixel prior to this one and it has been the best of the bunch. I may look at the Pixel 4 in the future, but for now, am good with this one.
In my experience, fast chargers, used regularly like for overnight charging, cause the most damage to the battery life. I had my old Blackberry Z30 for over 3 years with no noticeable battery deterioration. I still have that charging brick as it is a slow charger and use it to charge my current androids. Most new Android phones come with a fast charging brick, so people don't even know they are fast charging all the time.
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BTW - Todays thoughts - if you want to save some battery power, turn on "data saver" in Android, it will shut down apps running in the background that you are not using.
There is no good reason not to turn on data saver, used it for well over a year already. Your email will still come in and text messages still alert you, you will never notice anything not working and any app you open will open.
As we know the apps are constantly "phoning home" so they can continue to compile data on you and sell it or use it. this "phoning home" uses battery power.
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Look at the apps under battery usage to see what is running in the background....turn most apps off and my battery was lasting almost like new.
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