Finding information in 2018 without the internet?

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Originally Posted by supton
Originally Posted by Al
Think about what you did before the internet. That's the answer.

Rely on half-truths and myths as perpetuated by car mags, friends, counter salesman and stories about how a friend's brother's uncle's girlfriend's acquaintance once tried xyz and the car caught fire--so never do that--?

Precisely. The internet has made it very easy to get past the BS..
Originally Posted by Reddy45
Hypothetical situation here -- Effective tomorrow, the internet is no more. For any given subject, what method would you go back to, in order to find somewhat up to date information?

Do they still make paper encyclopedias? Magazines? Library?

I went to school before the internet was a thing, and I remember looking up information the 'old way', but I feel like I've forgotten how to do it.

We had a power out about 2 years back that lasted a couple days and we had no internet, TV, Radio (unless we sat in the car), and no cell phones because the local cell-towers near us didn't have diesel generators (mounted on apartment buildings).

We played board games by candlelight, cooked on our manually lit gas stove and it was a refreshing break. But it would be hard to go back to the way it was before the internet that's for sure. It's just so convenient.
Like I still do for some stuff....

Older / experienced folks

Maybe respect, common sense and the desire to work would return?
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