Favorite Cheap-o Beer/Lager

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Apr 30, 2006
Mine is Killian's. Not the best, but preferable to Bud, Coors, etc. Normally, I prefer vodka... but for a quick buzz, I don't mind picking up a sub-$5 6-pack with which to end a long day.

Anyone else tossing 6-packs from Wal-Mart in their cart?
we've got some pretty good $5.95 cleanskins available here.

Certainly not Henshcke "Hill of Grace", but nearly $100 cheaper.
I'm actually a Coors Light fan myself. It's nice and light and has just enough of a bite to keep me interested. Bud and Miller beers tend to be too boring for my taste, but I'll drink them if that's what's available. When I'm at a restaurant, I normally order Sam Adams if they have it on tap.
Nothing is too cheap, but I try to stay away from keystone, milwaukee's best, and most "light ice" junk as I can do better for the price. (Similar to my valvoline avoidance.

I'll dring Genessee, Red Dog, Pabst Blue Ribbon, Shaeffer's, Olde English 800 from the 40 oz... not proud.

Bacardi Limon rum really perks up lousy beer BTW.
Natural Ice baby! 5.9% alc./vol. and $5.49 per twelve pack rules the cheap beer roost IMO.
And, cheap means it must be as cold as it possibly can be:


It's the only time the stuff tasted any good. The best beer joints had schooners stored in an undercounter deep freeze, and the kegs in a walk-in refrigerator/freezer.

Then, you could even drink Budweiser all evening after a hot day . . . ANGELO'S BARBECUE in Fort Worth was such a spot during the Cold War, just a few minutes away from the SAC base. Sawdust on the floors, beer served as described, and simply outstanding barbecue.
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