do you reuse the tubing for suction pumps

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Aug 13, 2003
Is it OK to reuse the plastic hose/tube for the suction pump or will it skew subsequent UOAs? It has a visible oil film from the last sample.
When I use mine, I first clean it carefully. Then I withdraw several sample bottles full of oil, each of which I just pour back into the oil filler. Once I feel comfortable that I've "purged" the system, I take a last sample "for keeps." I've only done a small number of samples, but I'm about to do a couple more, and I feel that this procedure will yield clean samples with relative ease.
I bought 100' of polyethylene tubing with my pump for $8. Each sample piece is about 3 ft. long so thats good for about 33 sample pulls. I've done 6 or 7 so far over the last couple years so it should last awhile. When done, I just pitch it and don't worry about cross-contamination.
Before I placed Fumoto valves on all my cars I used the tubing and never flushed it. It makes no difference in the UOA results. As long as you do not mix fluids, ATF, Gear oil, brake fluid etc.
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