DE Safety Razors

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Sep 14, 2013
This is a bit of a stretch for the TOOL category , but I just bought my first ever double edge safety razor. You know the type from years ago that everyone used . I`ve always used a disposable razor and a cheap electric razor in between shaves. I purchased a "As seen on TV" razor from Walmart. The one that Rick Harrison from "Pawn Stars" plugs on the commercials. I must say that I`ve never got a closer shave than this ever using my disposables. So I did a little research and ordered a Edwin Jagger DE89LBL razor off Ebay. It gets very good reviews , so I`ll see after it gets here in a few days. Also learning that there is a correct procedure to using a DE razor. Just posting this to say I don`t know why I ever waited so long to go this route. Jim
I took the plunge yesterday. i ordered off Amazon a Merkur long handle with some blades. With the help of some BIGTOGers I have Amazon Prime for the discounted rate and should have my razor tomorrow. Please share your learning curve! I imagine it's a little intimidating at first....
I did my first shaves using a DE.
Back in the day when every medicine cabinet had a couple of DEs in it along with a slot for disposing of the short-lived blades, every medicine cabinet also had a styptic pencil in it.
With a modern multi-blade razor, you can just kind of drag the thing across your face and never cut yourself and it'll give a decent shave.
Not so with a DE, which does require a different angle and a lot more care.
On weekday mornings, I'm not about to invest a lot of time in being careful with a razor, so I just use a multi-blade, disposable or otherwise.
On a weekend, if we're going somewhere that requires that I not look like a wino, like a play, a wedding or someplace nice for dinner, I'll often use a DE. I still have a couple of them from back in the day. They do give a better shave and are kind of fun to use. You just have to exercise due caution lest you find need of that styptic pencil.
It's really not that difficult. It just takes a little experimentation to find the razor/blade combination that works best for you. For example, I have a couple different razors that I use. If I use a Feather blade in my Gillette red tip I'll scratch my neck every time. However, a Personna blade in the same razor shaves smooth without any scratching. The same Feather blade in a less aggressive razor such as a Krona doesn't scratch at all-I get the almost the same shave as I do with a Personna in the red tip. The red tip razor is fairly aggressive while the Krona is a mild, forgiving razor, and for my skin a less aggressive blade in the red tip works almost the same as a more aggressive, sharper blade in the Krona.
I have a collection of over one hundred double edge razors, mostly Gillette of course but many other brands tossed in there. Many older ones 60's and older but again many modern ones.

Believe it or not my daily go to razor is a plastic Weishi double edge, note my link.

Blades I use and highly recommend are the Russian Rapira ones.
Single blade safety razors are the least irritating for me. After coming from light plastic razors with somewhere between 3 and 6 blades there was certainly a learning curve (with a few cuts). Unlike the multi-blade models, you do not need to use pressure to shave. The weight of the razor with a light grip is sufficient. Once you get the technique down, they work great with almost no irritation.
Bikewhisperer, that's what I`m seeing on youtube videos. A 45 degree angle on the shaver, just use the weight of the shaver don`t press, and use a damp warm washcloth to soften the face hair. Couple that with some shaving soap or cream and my first attempt went fine. No nicks and the closest shave I ever got. A lot of people will take a second pass across the grain of the face hair, while all the first cut should be with short strokes with the grain.
Did a little more research on blades to use and I ordered a 100 pack of Astra blades. They seem to be well liked by most everyone and I can get them on Ebay $10 and free shipping.
Originally Posted By: jcwit
I have a collection of over one hundred double edge razors, mostly Gillette of course but many other brands tossed in there. Many older ones 60's and older but again many modern ones.

Believe it or not my daily go to razor is a plastic Weishi double edge, note my link.

Blades I use and highly recommend are the Russian Rapira ones.

My razor that got me started with this thread is called Micro-Touch that is endorsed on the TV commercials by Rick Harrison. You can get one at Walmart in their "As Seen On Tv" section. The research I`ve seen has them made by "Weishi" also. They are all metal and chromed and are a decent razor. I`m hoping that the Edwin Jagger is even nicer. I also bought a shaving kit at Walmart. The Vanderhagen deluxe kit with a razor stand,soap,badger brush, and mug for $25. Initial outlay for everything but the trial razor from Wal-mart comes to $72. That`s shave kit $25,Astra blades 100 pack $10, and Edwin Jagger D89 razor $37 shipped. Except for some shave soap a couple times a year I`m set for probably 4 years without spending another penny on shaving. So in the long run I think you can actually save some money going this route. But , I must say that was not my priority in doing this, the shave you get is MUCH better than you get with disposable razors .
What you should try is an asst. of blades which are available.

Google shaving suppliers.

Frankly I don't like the Astra's, but YMMV.
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+1. For a fair price you can begin your quest for the perfect blade.
I started using a double edge about a year ago and then switched to a single edge when I bought my GEM Jr.
Originally Posted By: jcwit
What you should try is an asst. of blades which are available.

Google shaving suppliers.

Frankly I don't like the Astra's, but YMMV.
I just got the new Edwin Jagger d89 today and used it with the Derby blades that came with it. I used the Micro-Touch with Dorco blades , so I`ll give them a try in the EJ too. Then in a few days those Astra blades will be in to try. Hope they are at least as decent or better than the previous two mentioned since I ordered the 100 pack. Would like to try those Feather blades also , they are supposed to be about the sharpest blade available. Guess you better be real careful using them.
I've been DE shaving for about three years now. I have 5 DE razors. A Merkur 34C is a good razor for starters that can last a lifetime. Astra Superior Platinum are good blades. Taylor of Old Bond Street makes awesome soaps.
The Long Handle Merkur I ordered arrived!! I tried it out this am with some saddle soap. This was my first time using a DE shaver. No nicks or cuts; very smooth on the face. I liked it! I did have some trouble getting the necks just below the jaw line to be baby smooth. Rest of face came out super smooth. It took much less time that I thought.

Still learning the right angles, but I will be using the DE often.

There is a certain "manly" feeling to shaving this way.
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Just an update for people thinking about making the switch to Double edge razors . I couldn`t be more pleased with the results. Closest shaves I have ever had. I havn`t used my electric shaver or my Bic sensitive disposables since the new razor. Wish I would have done this years ago.After the initial investment many people are likely to save money also , although that is just a side benefit in my change to double -edge razors . Jim
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