Volvo dealer used abrasive wheel to clean engine sump

Just for Astro14.

Here is every bodys over rated top tech doing what he does best. Just observe his gasket cleaning techniques.
It will bring back some memories. Yeah just wow. I have a very difficult time watching some of the things he does.
Start at about the 5 minute area for the entertainment.

Interesting, I went thru some of the comments and only saw two mentioning the apparent use of a woven abrasive. edit: I didn't read every comment

Most people seem concerned about a missing bolt which he apparently DID replace (I didn't watch the entire vid).

I wonder if he's deleting comments? I can't believe there wasn't a string of warnings about the gasket surface cleaning???

Also I priced out DS 2025, but at ~$230 it's not something I'm gonna keep on hand "just in case"
Even this mechanic I follow on TikTok, I've thought very highly of him, right until I saw the green scrubbing pad on the cylinder head 😭
I don’t think there is anything wrong with using a pad by hand. You still have to take precautions of course but being so judgmental based on a short TikTok or YouTube clip is rather irrational.

And that’s the thing about putting yourself out there on the social media. People will scrutinize your every move, forgetting it’s entertainment.
If a guy used a utility knife blade, I bet there would be someone saying why doesn’t he use a plastic one as steel razor blades can gouge aluminum.