Cleaning out the attic and closets

Mar 3, 2019
New Jersey
We have bulk pick up in my neighborhood June 16. Prior to that I have a Veterans of America pick up for Monday June 7. We are being ruthless. Untouched after 3 years it’s going. Amazing how much you can accumulate. I am determined to clean up after myself. Family photos, records are exempt. But the rest of this crap is going while I’m still alive.
the wife and i are moving we're in our home 4 yrs and the amount of junk accumulated is absolutely disgusting the pig hoarders we have become. lots of garbage hitting my curbside.
Having done this recently after two deaths and a move I VOWED to clear MY OWN stuff so nobody else has to.

Also, 1,500 miles away a friend cleaned out his departed father's garage.
Tossing items like a birdhouse which didn't get assembled broke his heart.
When I die, people who knew me are bound to celebrate. I don't want to dampen their glee.
But then again, I have some cool stuff they might want to fight over!
As long as you realize that a week after the cleanout you will be looking for that thing you knew was here some place. By the way does anyone have any use for a big box of VHS tapes.
My mom always said to write the current date on a box of stuff in the garage/basement/attic and then if you haven’t needed anything out of it in 3 years, donate/trash it. I could follow this advice. My youngest is 2 and as he gets done with stuff it’s very rewarding to get rid of the baby toys/car seats/strollers/crap.
Wife and I have been in our house for 18 years. Just rented and filled up an 8x8x4 dumpster by douching out the attic, the garage and some closets. I had tires from a 1996 Infiniti and alloy wheels from a 1987 Sterling. Not to mention an endless supply of the wife's holiday decorations and boxes of stuff we hadn't touched in 18 years. The good news is that I found my two boxes of vinyl LP's from the 1970's and 1980's that were played on my Yamaha P-300 turntable. Now to determine the value of some of these records?
The Swedish actually have a word to describe it. It’s called dostadning. Its the process of de-cluttering yourself of things you don’t need and leaving behind only objects that your family will cherish following your demise. Kinda like you call 1-800 Junk before they have to. Very worthwhile.
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I can’t get rid of anything without asking lol. Not even stuff I bought with my own money. Me and my mom sat my dads 8 year old computer box at the curb and he had a fit and I mean an absolute fit. We aren’t ever going to move the house is still being paid for and work is slow for all of us. He keeps literally everything and then cusses me out because the basement is a mess. The closets are full of panic bought toilet paper 🧻. So we probably never will actually get cleaned up. We also have cars that we are using to keep stuff in because we have so much stuff that they won’t part with. I understand special stuff but keeping a 8 year old box for an unsupported computer is nuts and other stuff too like wrappers from stuff since he feels it will be worth money.
As long as you realize that a week after the cleanout you will be looking for that thing you knew was here some place. By the way does anyone have any use for a big box of VHS tapes.
I’m not wavering this time. Although I could use a big empty box😃
I was in Gainesville Florida this month last year doing the same thing for my elderly parents, thinking they were going to sell their house. They still live there, but it sure is cleaned up. That was one heck of a garage sale, with multiple trips to the dump. A weight was lifted that week.
I can’t get rid of anything without asking lol. Not even stuff I bought with my own money. Me and my mom sat my dads 8 year old computer box at the curb and he had a fit and I mean an absolute fit. We aren’t ever going to move the house is still being paid for and work is slow for all of us. He keeps literally everything and then cusses me out because the basement is a mess. The closets are full of panic bought toilet paper 🧻. So we probably never will actually get cleaned up. We also have cars that we are using to keep stuff in because we have so much stuff that they won’t part with. I understand special stuff but keeping a 8 year old box for an unsupported computer is nuts and other stuff too like wrappers from stuff since he feels it will be worth money.
Wife is always gaming me a bit. She says’ You never listen to your old LP’s and I never iron anything so if you ditch those 3 boxes of LP’s I’ll throw out the ironing board.” You see what I’m up against here?.


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Wife is always gaming me a bit. She says’ You never listen to your old LP’s and I never iron anything so if you ditch those 3 boxes of LP’s I’ll throw out the ironing board.” You see what I’m up against here?.

Toss out LPs? That's insanity. If you absolutely want them gone, sell them to somebody. $$$$$
Yes. I have two boxes of LP’s. I still listen to the music but not in that format. I hate to part with them. There is a local record store close to me. Perhaps I will someday see what they are worth and go from there. I have no idea if their value is sentimental or substantial.
Brace yourself, your beloved vinyl, except for a few key pieces, is worthless.
So worthless (to a dealer) that selling them yourself is actually more profitable.
Yes, there's a small market for old, familiar titles.
Dealers salt the mines with eye catching Beatle and Rolling Stone albums the same way junk shops sprinkle odd Pyrex cookware around their shops. It primes the pump.
There's a market for old metal too.

I worked in the home of a well known music critic. He has more records than any 10 radio stations.
He pointed to 4 feet of records on the bottom shelf and told me that they were the ones to rescue if there was an emergency.
They were seminal blues and jazz recordings which never saw big production runs.
How things accumulate. It seems when we buy new pillows the old ones find a home on a shelf in the basement. We also have small closets that need sorting.
Good post. Got me thinking it's time to do a clear-out.