Changing my diet - 'Part time' vegetarian...

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Feb 12, 2008
Although my diet has not been that bad the past few months, I would like to improve it further. I decided to switch to a vegetarian diet during the week. Whole grains, rice, oats, fresh fruit, more mixed green salads, veggy burgers (I love them!) and better morning cereals (less sugar, more whole grains). I already use coconut milk, which I really enjoy... Eliminating dairy as most I can as well. I generally buy organic/natural the most I can. Honey and natural sweeteners and avoiding synthetic ones, as well.

The transition should not be too bad, but I really want to improve my blood pressure (around 135/80). Family has a sketchy history of high BP and heart issues, and I want to improve myself with food.

On weekends I will allow myself to eat meat (sensible), as I don't think I can fully convert myself. At least at this point! I love my meat more then anybody, but it is getting to the point I think it may be better to start balancing myself better. I don't plan to eliminate cheese/eggs, just meat. My 4 hens would be upset if I didn't eat their delicious eggs!

I "officially" started last night... We had rice and (black) beans, spiced with cumin, garlic, onion, lime juice, chipotle sauce... Topped with wok flash-cooked red bell peppers and red onions spiced lightly with cumin, garlic and salt. Finish with a bit of lime juice and hot sauce. Amazing! So much flavor, I did not miss meat one bit. Today I had a great mixed green organic salad, brown rice pasta with organic pasta sauce and a PB&J (all natural, just salt and peanuts!). The rice pasta was really good! Texture was great... Will be a great substitute to flour based pastas.

I feel really good about this though. I hope to lose some weight along with improving my B.P and other stuff. I am 23, 6'6" and currently weigh 262 (Down from 268 a few months ago)... I hope to drop down to 245, my ultimate goal by spring.

Has anybody else done this? Switching over to a "part-time" vegetarian or something similar? And how has it gone for you? Health changes, improvements, etc...?

I hope to share any progress in the next few months!
Your diet is similar to mine. I am pretty much a vegetarian although I do eat some chicken and turkey. Make sure you are getting an adequate amount of protein. Drink plenty of water too. Exercise is very important. I work out about 4 nights per week in a gym. You certainly look like you are on the right path. I am crowding 68 and feel better know than I did 10+ years ago. What you eat does make a difference!
I have a friend who has stopped eating meat; he says hes never felt better. I've never tried it, I don't eat much beef anyway. Seafood, and poultry mostly, some pork
I never been a big red-meat eater myself. Maybe a few times a month, and generally it would come from a place like Chipotle in my burrito!

Generally it is chicken and turkey. I don't eat seafood.

I drink water almost all day, I don't really drink pop at all. I may have a beer once a week.

For protein, I do enjoy eggs... And my veggy burgers are soy. I think I should be ok on that front. Plus I plan to eat a lot more beans.
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I do not eat fish period. I just never have liked the taste. Freshwater is a little better than seafood. Beans are an excellent source of protein. I eat a lot of black beans and peas. Buy them dried and if you watch what goes into them they can be an excellent food. I like to fix up brown rice with black beans with onions, homemade salsa and jalapenos (love them). You can eat healthy and have very tasty meals too.
Yeah, I never have liked the taste/texture of fish. I can eat some scallops, but only a few before I get grossed out, haha. But ever since I was a kid, I never liked seafood. I will eat vegtable sushi though!

I did buy a few bags of dried black beans. I plan to soak them and cook them in indian/mexican spices to use with rice and other dishes.
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