Catalytic converter theft ring from Philadelphia just busted

Tow companies are scumbags and thieves at the best of times, unfortunately. Glad they got busted, hopefully they’ll get big penalties and sentences.

I hate to generalize as I know they have a difficult existence, but many of them are nothing but pirates of the highways. Makes them look bad for all of them.
Virginia has a new state law taking effect on Saturday making dealing in stolen catalytic converters a felony. (Greatly simplified description of the new law.) People are getting fed up with the thefts.

But think about this: the tow company got busted for stealing catalysts. Did the scrap dealer BUYING those catalysts from the tow company get busted too? We never seem to hear about that part.
The last time I took a couple of old batteries for recycle I had to have my picture taken along with ID, I thought for a minute she might ask for a urine sample but I was gonna draw the line at the picture.
Whoever is scrapping them for the thieves is a bigger issue. Without them the market is gone.
They are out of jail(if they ever went) and back to stealing. Philly lets criminals go.

Yeah, they do. Philly prosecutors and the police think they are social workers, not law enforcers
It is like this in most big cities now days. Law enforcement, prosecutors, and the courts have been overwhelmed with crimes and criminals, and the jails are full to the rafters.
A big part of the problem is that the government entities have been systematically dismantling the mental health systems and resources and turning these troubled people out onto the streets to fend for themselves, then they become a problem for law abiding citizens and the justice system to deal with.
I read that the $8.2 million figure was the estimated money paid to thieves over 3 years. That was supposedly based on an average payment of $300 per converter. One Phila. news broadcast that I saw reported that some thieves made as much as $10k a night and some converters could bring $1k a piece. The tow yard allegedly had equipment to remove the valuable elements themselves, then sell to their buyer. It will be interesting to see who their buyer was, if they ever reveal that.
ok theives, I get it.. arrest, prison.. justice served. But why no mention of the scrappers who bought all of these stolen catalytics? Very odd..