Cat flee collar question?

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Aug 22, 2009
Pittsburgh,PA U.S.A.
Our all the time indoor cat that is 3 years old has been battling fleas. It first had flees about a month and a half ago. I took it to a vet and for $140.00 the cat got one shot it needed, and a drop was placed on its head that was suppose-too last for a month, and we were given some more of the drops to apply once every month. 17 days later the flees came back. The directions for the drops said that the earliest we should apply the next drop was three weeks, so I went to a pet store and bought some flee shampoo and gave the cat a bath and rinse. That kept the flees off for about ten days and they came back. I placed an additional drop on the back of the cats head and that has kept the flees away until two days ago, when one showed up on her belly. I know the drops take about 12 hours to kill a flee once it is on the cat so I did nothing and apparently the drop is still working because we see no flees today.

By the way we washed everything the cat normally lays on.

When I was at the vet, one of the options the vet gave us was to use a flee collar, but I tried a cheap store bought one on a cat we had in the past and that cat went crazy just running everywhere around the house nonstop until I removed the collar, so this time I decided to go with the drops instead of a collar.

I am thinking of using a flee collar on the cat if the flees come back again.

When I tried the flee collar on a previous cat it was a cheap one that I got from Walmart. When I recently bought the flee shampoo at a pet store there were expensive flee collars ranging in price up to $69.00. And Walmart currently has flee collars ranging in price from $4.99 to $49.00

The low cost flee collars at Walmart are Hartz brand and I am concerned that the low cost Hartz collars might have chemicals that are too harsh.

So my question is what flee collars work but are not too harsh? The cheaper the better but If we have to we will get the most expensive collars.
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I use Advantage II on my cat,and it keeps the fleas away. I buy a 4 month supply at Walmart for $49.
Your indoor cat has Fleas? Do you have another animal bringing in Fleas from the outside? You need to nuke your house to kill the fleas and use a growth inhibitor to stop the baby fleas from maturing. The17 days is flea reproduction cycle , probably a new batch of adult fleas Get a new vet that cures the problems and not padding his pockets..
Use a fipronil based product for cats and use it as directed. Frontline is one brand, there are less expensive ones. But look for fipronil. Pet Armor is a generic fipronil that costs less.

You do may have fleas hatching in your home, so it will take a few cycles to get them. As cheap as pet armor is , just use it all the time.
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You will need to treat your house, first. Research flea control for cats. Flea collars are old technology.
small cat.jpg
Vacuum weekly and change the bag frequently.
My cats didn't like the bath at all, so I bought a very fine comb and some of that green painter's tape (age 6+ months to make it stickier).
very fine toothed flea comb

Once you have a flea on the comb, use the tape to trap it and coffin it.
I have used Advantage II with good results. Fleas completely gone after 2 months and never had to apply again. Our cats are welcome to go outside whenever they want.
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Seresto flea collars. After one of my dogs became highly alergic to most flea products I put Seresto collars on both dogs and both cats. Fleas gone in short order, and collars still working 7 months later. New ones have been ordered online where you can get them less expensive than Walmart.
If they are in the carpets then sprinkle them with borax . Cheap at the supermarket. That will dry em out and kill them . Leave it on there for a while though do it kills the new hatches. Just vacuum it up.
Cats. Advantage 2. But here's the way to do that and beat big pharma. Get a syringe, you only need the small ones Buy LARGE DOG size. Stick needle in suck up the dose that corresponds to weight. Pull off the needle the just use the syringe to squirt the juice in the cats neck. After you're done just rinse it out cap it and put away till next time. Seal up the pin hole in the blister with scotch tape. That will cut the cost greatly .
Cats don't have to go out to get fleas. They can get them from eating mice. So if you have mice mr kitty will still get fleas right in the house. Those Sorresto collars work very well as long as you can keep them on the cat and not get lost somewhere. Both advantage 2 and Sorresto work extremely well at ticks(our big concern) as well as fleas.
Problem with fleas is that they get worse before they get better. None of the treatments are that effective on unhatched eggs so you're going to have a couple hatches after treatment, usually you'll see an initial improvement then a flea explosion as the eggs hatch. If they're in you're house you need to treat more than the cat, you need to treat the carpet, furniture, anything else they can live in including your bed or anywhere else the cat likes to hang out. Treating the cat is only taking care of a small part of the problem, do you have any other pets?
Originally Posted by aquariuscsm
I use Advantage II on my cat,and it keeps the fleas away. I buy a 4 month supply at Walmart for $49.

I buy the extra large dog size of Advantage II and empty a unit into a small bottle. I treat 5 cats monthly using a small syringe. I last paid $56 from Amazon for 6 unit package. It has worked well for me.

The thing is, where are the fleas coming from? Is anybody in the house getting bit?

Good luck..
Fleas are coming in via window screens, cracked weather-caulking and under the front and back doors. I use outdoor Bug killer by either Bayer, Spectricide or Ortho - that hooks up to your garden hose. I spray every two months, which means three times per year here in Southern Michigan.

No bugs here.
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Flea collars are useless. Advantage, Advantix, etc. are the only way to deal with fleas... you'll never see one again after the current crop dies out and the last eggs hatch.
Having lived in the country, if your indoor cat has fleas, then you have mice. You will never eradicate the fleas without getting rid of mice.

That said you can mailorder TaurusSC termite treatment that uses the same chemical as the flea treatment. Spray outside and under house with this. Dramatically reduces the flea count, no ants also.

Your mice will thank you.

Originally Posted by 440Magnum
Flea collars are useless. Advantage, Advantix, etc. are the only way to deal with fleas... you'll never see one again after the current crop dies out and the last eggs hatch.

The Sorresto collars actually work quite well......for the animal. If you're infested though, bitten on ankles ect that Borax does clean em out and the eggs too. Works well on a room or 2. If the whole house is loaded then it's time for a day away and... THE 💣
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