Bed Rotting

If the "rotting" is isolated and infrequent, and the person is otherwise a productive element of society, then spending a day in bed (on one's day off) to relax is potentially helpful. Everyone has their own "therapy" mode of relaxation.

If the "rotting" is days of languishing after doing nothing useful and attempting to escape an otherwise reasonable expectation of productive life, well then yes - it's a problem in need of a butt-kicking.
I had to feed cows

Ditto. I had to milk 'em too. The roosters told me when to get up. My body told me when to go to bed. No time for 'bed rot'.


Murano chicken farm
I could never do that. I have to be out and about doing something. I barely sleep as it is. Usually in bed by 3am sometimes earlier sometimes later. Usually by 1:30 on work nights. Then up at 5:45 on workdays and usually by 8 on weekends. As soon as I get up I am out of bed going to take my dog for a walk and get on with my day. I can’t sleep if it’s daylight outside. Heck my parents sleep until about 12pm I go walk by their bedroom they are laying there snoring away sleeping lol I don’t see how they can do that. If light is shining through the window I’m up. I’m not a sleeper. I’ve never been one to sleep more than 5 hours or so. That’s no joke. My logic is sleep when you die live your life while you can. I will say whenever I’m asleep nothing will wake me up no noises nothing only if someone came and physically got me up would I be up.
I could never do that. I have to be out and about doing something. I barely sleep as it is. Usually in bed by 3am sometimes earlier sometimes later. Usually by 1:30 on work nights. Then up at 5:45 on workdays and usually by 8 on weekends. As soon as I get up I am out of bed going to take my dog for a walk and get on with my day. I can’t sleep if it’s daylight outside. Heck my parents sleep until about 12pm I go walk by their bedroom they are laying there snoring away sleeping lol I don’t see how they can do that. If light is shining through the window I’m up. I’m not a sleeper. I’ve never been one to sleep more than 5 hours or so. That’s no joke. My logic is sleep when you die live your life while you can. I will say whenever I’m asleep nothing will wake me up no noises nothing only if someone came and physically got me up would I be up.
Man.....I wish I could get by on as little sleep as you do. I've got to have 7 to 8 hours or I'm half dead the rest of the day.
All I can do is shake my head at this. When I was growing up, a kick in the pants by my father was the required therapy.

While I am not a licensised psychiatrist, it seems to me associated with depression and fear of the world.