Artificial Sweeteners - Splenda (Sucralose)

Mar 10, 2021
:) I seldom eat food with sugar but I find this hard to believe (artificial sweeteners made from real sugar), well it's just me :)

What is Sucralose?
There are a variety of artificial sweeteners available, all of which mimic the sweet taste of sugar (sucrose) without the calories. Sucralose is unique among artificial sweeteners because it’s made from real sugar. A chemical process tweaks its chemical structure, making it 600 times sweeter than sugar — and essentially calorie-free.

Based on this article:
They said sacharine caused cancer some 40 years ago. It's still here . Most diet sodas have aspartame not sucralose. I think the "blue packet" (aspartame) is the worst of all. Of all the sweetners available, sucralose goes in my morning coffee.
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Stevia might be OK, but you have to read the label. Recent research suggests that a sugar alcohol (yes, we have those too) called ERYTHRITOL can cause heart attacks. Research says that it tends to make the blood "sticky" and can lead to clots or calcium buildup in the arteries.
This compound is added to a lot of artificial sweeteners. One of the "healthy" ones that I found in my pantry is TRUVIA. (Simply 3 ingredients").
:) I seldom eat food with sugar but I find this hard to believe (artificial sweeteners made from real sugar), well it's just me :)

What is Sucralose?
There are a variety of artificial sweeteners available, all of which mimic the sweet taste of sugar (sucrose) without the calories. Sucralose is unique among artificial sweeteners because it’s made from real sugar. A chemical process tweaks its chemical structure, making it 600 times sweeter than sugar — and essentially calorie-free.

Based on this article:
It is irrelevant what the starting material happens to be. Many things are synthesized from many other things, what matters is the finished product. To imply that something is safe (or harmful) based on the reactants is just a way of obfuscating, nothing else.
My grandmother used the pink packets (saccharine) from the time they first came out. She put one in her tea 3 times a day. They used to have a warning label saying saccharine caused cancer in laboratory animals. She lived to 89 and probably would have lived longer if she didn’t fall and break her hip…it was down hill from there. I’ve been using the pink packets in tea and coffee since I was a teen. I drink too much diet soda though (aspartame), maybe I should drink more tea.
I just made a batch of oatmeal/raisin cookies using Splenda instead of the usual white sugar. I still used light brown sugar. The cookies taste OK, just not as sweet. Some of the cookies taste of flour.

I'm going to stick with white sugar.
They said sacharine caused cancer some 40 years ago. It's still here . Most diet sodas have aspartame not sucralose. I think the "blue packet" (aspartame) is the worst of all. Of all the sweetners available, sucralose goes in my morning coffee.
The aspartame always gave me a headache. I remember back the 70s it was in diet 7up.
There is a Splenda version of Diet Coke and I much prefer the traditional aspartame Diet Coke. Traditional Diet Coke is actually the New Coke with the aspartame sweetener
Try avoiding all sugars sweeteners for 4 weeks. Eat nothing but meals you cook yourself from scratch.

Then bite into a yellow/red/orange bell pepper and be completely shocked at how sweet it is.

Walking into a donut or pastry shop will make you gag at the sweet stench.

We need sugar because we eat sugars. As soon as you break the cycle you'll notice how much more flavour there is naturally in food.

Once the sugar habit is broken, try next with salt!
I stick with Stevia & Monk Fruit but I've been known to consume small portions of the other sweeteners.
I had some Monk fruit sweetner made by Splenda. Not only was it not as sweet as they claimed, it also contained the ERYTHRITOL that I referred to earlier.
So did the Truvia BTW.
Most soft drinks like Coke and Pepsi are sweetened by artificial sweeteners, even though they are not classified as "DIET" drinks.
Some MAY include real sugar, but not all. The simple reason is COST. When you have an industrial sweetener, such as Aspartame that is MORE THAN 600 times sweeter than sugar for the "industrial version", it increases profits.
Stevia might be OK, but you have to read the label. Recent research suggests that a sugar alcohol (yes, we have those too) called ERYTHRITOL can cause heart attacks. Research says that it tends to make the blood "sticky" and can lead to clots or calcium buildup in the arteries.
This compound is added to a lot of artificial sweeteners. One of the "healthy" ones that I found in my pantry is TRUVIA. (Simply 3 ingredients").
There are at least two threads were we discuss this.

I used to eat the stuff, well one packet a day in my coffee, but the single study made me stop. And think and as mentioned quit all this foolishness.

NOW I am NOT defending erythritol - BUT it WAS a single study.
There is zero evidence that it causes problems in healthy people.
In people diabetes, there was some POSSIBLE non-causal connection with LARGE amounts. And I don't think calcium was involved.

I just lump all these together still and say no way.