3" buffer tool question..

Apr 24, 2007
I may be looking for a tool that does't exist...I have a very nice Bosch 12v cordless driver with a HEX quick release head and I'd really like to use it for light buffing running Lake Country 3" pads, so I need to find a hook & loop disc with a hex drive shaft...has anyone ever seen such a set-up? or maybe a conversion bit?
Something like this:

I may be looking for a tool that does't exist...I have a very nice Bosch 12v cordless driver with a HEX quick release head and I'd really like to use it for light buffing running Lake Country 3" pads, so I need to find a hook & loop disc with a hex drive shaft...has anyone ever seen such a set-up? or maybe a conversion bit?

Add this to it and it will work.

I went out for dinner had a few drinks, whoa..thanks for the replies I'll have a look at them tomorrow.
Ideally I'd like the 3" hook & loop backer with a hex drive shaft...keeping it ultra light and compact..got to be a few set-ups like that out there in the wild.