positive Auto-Rx engines/transmissions

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Originally Posted By: Trajan
Restored compression on my 97 Camaro.

Stopped lifter tick permanetly on the Z4.

Interesting. Answers some questions I had about your signature.
fixed 2 Ody's trannie slippage issues, 1 civic overdrive overdrive issue, 1 sentra trannie issue.

succeeded in rinsing off an otherwise filty/long-overdue corolla pws fluid reservior.

succeeded in restoring even compression (+-6psi before) on a competition SCCA Honda B16 block.

succeeded in minor oil control ring cleaning on a 91 V6 camry engine (reduced burning from 1qt every 2k to 1qt every 5k).

also: helped raised compressions on 2 B&S lawnmower engines that I've been working on....

Increased compression in my 1996 cavalier. I don't remember the exact mileage, i think it was over 100k at the time. This was a few years ago. The cavalier went through 1qt/3k miles and that didn't change but that was due to gaskets that needed replaced and not consumption from what I could tell.

Maintenance doses reduce my fuel consumption at idle in my 2007 Escape 2.3L and my now gone 2006 Mazda6i 2.3L. Consumption was measured in gallons per hour. It seemed to help MPGs slightly, too.

Soon i'll start testing on my 2012 mazda3 skyactiv.

I have not used it in a transmission nor have I used it for cosmetic cleaning and cannot comment on that.
Originally Posted By: badtlc

Soon i'll start testing on my 2012 mazda3 skyactiv.

Off topic request. Could you post a review thread of your Mazda3? MPGs observed and overall driving experience. That would be great. Very likely to be a future car purchase of mine.

On topic: I ran a couple ARX cycles in my old Mazda - didn't have anything to 'fix' per se. Didn't notice any difference before/after, but while running the rinse cycle, I had two tanks back to back, of my highest, by far, MPG. Also about the only time I ran dino in that car.
Originally Posted By: LeakySeals
Originally Posted By: Trajan
Restored compression on my 97 Camaro.

Stopped lifter tick permanetly on the Z4.

Interesting. Answers some questions I had about your signature.

Rislone/MMO failed.

Kreen will never, ever, be used for anything but a target thanks to the shills.
OK. It's time to put up or shut up about shills.

Prove it. You like proof, then prove your own mindless allegations.

It's your credibility at stake here, take it seriously.
Originally Posted By: Donald
Rather than keep bashing Frank, please post positive results, whether it stopped a leak, or increased compression or cleaned up sludge.

Why not instead of just promoting this stuff starting another thread about engines ARX didn't work on.
I have a long list!

If your going to shill (sorry but its blatantly obvious IMHO) at least be fair and balanced.
Originally Posted By: Trav
Originally Posted By: Donald
Rather than keep bashing Frank, please post positive results, whether it stopped a leak, or increased compression or cleaned up sludge.

Why not instead of just promoting this stuff starting another thread about engines ARX didn't work on.
I have a long list!

If your going to shill (sorry but its blatantly obvious IMHO) at least be fair and balanced.

I was hoping we might be able to come up with an idea of conditions of where Auto-Rx worked and assume in the rest of the cases it probably would not.

If someone wants to start a thread of situations where it has not worked thats fine.

I am not sure its proper to bash Frank as a person. Critize his products if you like.
Originally Posted By: Trav
Originally Posted By: Donald
Rather than keep bashing Frank, please post positive results, whether it stopped a leak, or increased compression or cleaned up sludge.

Why not instead of just promoting this stuff starting another thread about engines ARX didn't work on.
I have a long list!

If your going to shill (sorry but its blatantly obvious IMHO) at least be fair and balanced.

Funny coming from a kreen shill. Especially one who said the wizrds in a bottle should be left on the shelf.

Instead of whining here, who don't *you* start such a thread. You can call it "Hate Frank? Bash his product here."
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You tossed a stone into a still pond Trajan, why? The thread was going fine, everyone who wanted got to praise Rx without a hitch. Then you started it by bringing other products into the thread, attacking them, products that work, and work very well much to your disgust. Then you poked the "shills" and started the downward spiral. LOL Now this thread will probably head to the [censored]. LOL Good job!
I do not want anyone bashing another person on this web site. Frank did a lot to help keep this site going when Bob started it. Anyone that wants to bash another person be prepared for a vacation.

This thread is being locked because it is promoting a non sponsor product only. Each of us have products we believe in but we do not start a thread to promote that product.

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