Witnessed Walmart customer steal TV today

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Originally Posted By: JHZR2
Originally Posted By: jorton
Police officers inside my walmart catch shoplifters. I don't know if they're there at 7:30.

Are those police officers PAID for by walmart via a property tax addendum? If not, Id suspect that they should NOT be there, and rather policing the local area. If not, its yet another business cost that WM is offloading onto the taxpayer.

When officers are working inside a place of business providing security, it's paid for by the business, not the taxpayers.
Originally Posted By: Mr Nice
I was looking at the Fram Ultras and all the Honda size oil filters were empty.

A black Walmart employee was keeping an eye on me, thinking I would swap out a Fram Ultra and put it in a low cost Purolator box. I was not upset cause I know he is doing his job to keep an eye on shoppers.

For the record: I'm white, blue eyes and have light brown hair.

I buy filters on sale then use them later.
Opened the Fram Ultra box doing an oil change on my Corolla months after the purchase. The base orange cheap filter was in the Gold trimmed fancy box. Lowlifes Do switch them.
Now I always look in the box then buy.
Originally Posted By: CKN
My son used to work security for Walmart. For a couple of years as a matter of fact. He could not physically stop a thief. All he could do was shadow the suspect and call the police. While he made more than the average employee, it was enough to put himself at risk.

BTW-if he had ever made a false accusation-he would lose his job.

I used to work retail and I was on good terms with LP - but all we could do was use a recovery statement to turn a loss into a sale.

But I did witness Nordstrom LP chase down and tackle a shoplifter, they dragged him back into the store and called the cops. This was a while ago.
I know at Publix Supermarkets, any store that has lots of merchandise missing...

Corporate will send in loss prevention employees to keep an eye on the workers at the store. When their 'investigation' is over, usually 20 employees get fired. The LP folks work as part-time stock clerks but are keeping an eye on everyone.
Originally Posted By: eljefino
Originally Posted By: GiveMeAVowel
Originally Posted By: aquariuscsm
Originally Posted By: gathermewool

And just who exactly are we supposed to "tolerate"?

Everybody that was let in by the vile
1965 Immigration and Nationality Act.

It basically flooded the US with all manner of peoples that share NO common culture or values with us and in turn probably will be the death of the US as the Founding Fathers intended it to be.

I missed the line in the Constitution about the White Anglo-Saxon Protestants...

You obviously are not a Constitutional Scholar...

Have you read and UNDERSTOOD the Preamble?


"We the people of the United States, in order to form a more perfect union, establish justice, insure domestic tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general welfare, and secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America."

And what is the definition of "posterity"? Look up that definition as it was intended back at the time the document was drafted.
The Preamble specifically mentions "OUR posterity".
The Founding Fathers were....White Europeans.

The UNconstitutional 1965 Immigration and Nationality Act is
CONTRARY to what the Preamble states. That is tyranny.
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Originally Posted By: eljefino
You've got an unusually exclusionary view there Vowel...

It's not MY "view" it is a legal fact.

Are you going to argue with the Founding Fathers who brought this nation into existence and penned the US Constitution?

You could try to get a Constitutional Convention together and have the Congress change the Preamble.
Well, the 14th Amendment and its Equal Protection Clause extends its powers beyond the Mayflower Society.

But as a self-professed Constitutional scholar, you know this.
Originally Posted By: eljefino
Well, the 14th Amendment and its Equal Protection Clause extends its powers beyond the Mayflower Society.

No, it does not. There was never a ratification of this with the
Constitutionally required 3/4 of the states to pass it.
You didn't know this, did you?

The Preamble is also not in the body of the document which excludes it from being altered.
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Originally Posted By: eljefino
You've got an unusually exclusionary view there Vowel...

From a personal perspective the country has only degenerated since the move to flood the country with peoples NOT of Northern Europe.

Every social indicator of what makes a civilized western society has become worse since that 1965 Act was passed and implemented.
As more of these alien peoples enter the country's quality of life gets worse. Fact.
Originally Posted By: totegoat
How does the warranty work on a stolen appliance?


I'd love to see some arrogant fool bring back a defective item they stole and I'd humor them and stall for time until the police arrived. I'd enjoy seeing them cuffed and taken to jail. That would be satisfying.
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Originally Posted By: GiveMeAVowel
Originally Posted By: eljefino
Well, the 14th Amendment and its Equal Protection Clause extends its powers beyond the Mayflower Society.

No, it does not. There was never a ratification of this with the
Constitutionally required 3/4 of the states to pass it.
You didn't know this, did you?

The Preamble is also not in the body of the document which excludes it from being altered.

Originally Posted By: GiveMeAVowel
Originally Posted By: eljefino
Well, the 14th Amendment and its Equal Protection Clause extends its powers beyond the Mayflower Society.

No, it does not. There was never a ratification of this with the
Constitutionally required 3/4 of the states to pass it.
You didn't know this, did you?

The Preamble is also not in the body of the document which excludes it from being altered.

Do you also not recognize the IRS' authority to collect taxes?
Do you videotape yourself when passing through state-border checkpoints while quoting the constitution?
Are you living in your own private Idaho?
Originally Posted By: GiveMeAVowel
I'd love to see some arrogant fool bring back a defective item they stole and I'd humor them and stall for time until the police arrived. I'd enjoy seeing them cuffed and taken to jail. That would be satisfying.

I'd love to videotape that and send it in to America's Funniest Home Videos!!
Originally Posted By: surfstar

Do you also not recognize the IRS' authority to collect taxes?
Do you videotape yourself when passing through state-border checkpoints while quoting the constitution?
Are you living in your own private Idaho?

So we live in tyranny now. You OK with that? I think you are, more proof that those alterations were BAD for the USA.
In most States, store security does not have the authority to chase the shoplifter out past the doors. Store security do not have the training to hold someone. I mean is it really worth it to chase some guy for stealing batteries or a DVD???
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