Good Oil filter Wrench

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Mar 20, 2015
I put a oil filter on my car awhile back.. I over tightened it a LOT more than I thought I did. I have Multiple Sclerosis which certainly does cause a lot of weakness at times on my right side. It used to be my left side but it has now been my right side for the last number of years. The way my car is I can really only get to it with any mechanical advantage with my right arm. So, I am not sure but if I can get a good oil wrench tool that fits a 2 inch filter might get me to where I can get it off there.
Now given if I am having a good day I may well just be able to kick rear end and get it off without one. So, what's a good small or very small filter wrench that works good??
Thank you for all your help

I have learned a lot from many people on here and I appreciate that a lot. Very sledom I have ever done this overtighteing ordeal. But my condition has been not very good at t imes in the last 2 months either. SometimeS we need to just break down and use a tool to make things easier
I find the ones that fit on the end (cap) is all one needs.

3/4 of a turn is a visual thing, not a strength item; you should be 'seating' the filter, not torquing it.
Hope you feel better.

Can you use a socket style wrench on the filter? That's what I use. Sometimes I have to use a rubber mallet to knock it on the filter good and tight. Then a nice long ratchet or breaker bar will unspin that filter no problem.

Use the type of socket filter wrench where you put a socket over the hex. I've broken filter socket wrenches by putting the 3/8 ratchet directly in the square hole. They don't use the strongest metal in those socket filter wrenches.
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Seems that most here prefer the cap/socket style. I never had much luck with those, and have a couple of the strap style. IMO they are a bit easier to use since all the force applied goes to loosening the filter, no power is required to keep it on or aligned.
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I dont need a real lecture
I know that I jacked it up. I RARELY ever do this. But bad timing... Real bad. If I was a 100% this would be ok. Even if it was jacked up. But I am not quite there. Been a struggle lately. I wund up in ER. Again, I havent done this in over 10 years. Just bad timing.
I bet I can.... That might be the way to go .... Strap ones look good to me as well. I appreciate you man. I am going to get through and keep on rocking on. Just part of the dance sometimes that I have.. I am still very fortunate and blessed too
Originally Posted By: Kuato
Seems that most here prefer the cap/socket style. I never had much luck with those, and have a couple of the strap style. IMO they are a bit easier to use since all the force applied goes to loosening the filter, no power is required to keep it on or aligned.

I've used the strap in the past but my Toyotas are vertically mounted under the engine so there's no room for a strap wrench. I have a chain wrench that is a beast. First it crushes the oil filter, then it spins them off.

I like these kind, go to an auto parts store and grab a filter that's your size off the shelf and try it out on the filter wrenches there to test the size. They're like $5
OK SO THE 2 best filter wrenches i have ever used. And these are for the EXTREME cases of stuck and hard to remove filters are the 3 jaw filter wrench link to amazon

specifically one of this style

and then a LARGE cloth band style that is attached to a 1/2 drive thick wall square tubbing.

Example here from home depot.. This isnt as easy to use but it allows a lot of leverage if you put the cloth band around the TOP of the filter. Getting the force of wrench near the actual strongest part of the filter and threads.

I have destroyed filters but have never failed to remove a filter using these type of wrenches. The cloth band is great for the larger filters
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OP, I would get a filter cap and use a wrench and extensions so you don't have to reach.

Try one of these type that also captures the oil when you're removing the oil filter.

And you can also tighten it down with a torque wrench to make sure you don't over tighten the new one.
Answer is no Joe.... I don't want someone else to do what I can and have done like 100 times and that's no exaggeration. It's just a bad combination of events... 1. My honestly foolish self tightening it down too much. Probably because I was hot and in a hurry to get out if the heat. Heat and my illness are a BAD mix. 2. My condition started acting up.... At a bad time where I made this mistake. Truth be told..... What led to this bad spell..... Worried about my mom. A LOT. She's been doing so bad that's she been bed ridden for two months prior. That got me worried and very concerned. Well that makes my MS worse. I rather it be me than her struggling and suffering.
I don't know if you were being sarcastic or thoughtful....
But let me tell you this much...
I do what I can for myself. I am not looking for a hand out. I am not mooching of the government. I am not looking to sue my employer either. I want to do all I can.
For goodness sake.... I am human. I make mistakes. Only problem here is that my mistake was badly timed in combination with a bad spell with my condition.
First time I've done something like this in 100 times of changing the oil in either my cars, my lady's car and or my parents cars.
I just need a tool to give me a bit more of mechanical edge.
When I worked in the hospital has a RN I had a rough day .... I had to cut stitches out of a lady's surgery. I couldn't do it. Why??? Gross muscle tremors in my hands. I had to get someone else to do it. It's part of my deal at times.
But I don't stop. I don't ask for a hand out. All I am asking for is a hand up. In this case a tool that can give me a hand up.
The only lesson here man is this..... Don't quit doing what you can, when you can. Ask for help when you need it.. To give you a way to do what you CAN do.
My mother told me the other day how much it upset her because she knew that by her doing so bad it had affected me. But, I haven't stopped working. Just been rather hard at times.
God bless America.... Just be grateful for who you have in your life, be grateful for ALL you can do in your life, and raise the bar to treat other people the better way.
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Youve gotten good advice on the tools to use, if all else fails drive a screw driver thru it and turn it off, I had to do that once, it worked (but do only if a better way fails).
Yeah ... I've done that once too

Back in 2004. Last time my dumb self managed to do the same thing
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