Your take on misspellings on signs at businesses?

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Apr 22, 2015
Tri-state area
Such as:




Should it be ?
Is the food good?
If you like the place I think the owners would appreciate your input
Just a bunch of computer paper shouldnt be too much hassle for them

If you don't like them why help them...?
Last edited:,-74.1066401,3a,75y,301h,90t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sPIcq7sbHtouE782R2O_zuQ!2e0!7i13312!8i6656!6m1!1e1
Originally Posted By: QuOk
I just thought it looked familiar.

Well, depending on which swirl of this toilet we call NJ you are in..

07002 maybe?

43rd and Broadway, by Pamrapo branch Post Office...
I can get the "Exhauxt" one tomorrow from Mr. Can't Read's shop in NJ tomorrow. Maybe. (*sign says Exhauxt. Stop putting 10W-40 in there, bro..)
I don't think they mispelled spacial or sause. It's probably Greek spelling. I've seen tire spelled tyre.
Yep, Bayonne.
I saw Churchills and the sheet metal fabrication place.
See it all the time and not always a translation thingie. I admit to being skeptical about any business that can't get spelling right. It seems more common here in the southwest than it was in our part of Pa.

The use of an apostrophe that turns an intended plural into a possessive is rampant.
My local bagel shop has a sign for "cinnamon raiser" bagels. My pointed out this error and the clerk just looked at my wife funny and asked if wanted a cinnamon raiser bagel.

My local pizza joint had a big sign "Joe's Itaian Specialties"

On the way to work there is a sign that says "Sign painting at it's finest"

Right next to that sign is another sign that says "All breakfast sandwich's $1.99. Add bacon for .50 cents extra"

My local diner had 3 spelling mistakes in their newly printed menu. They went out of business and the diner was torn down a few days ago.
Originally Posted By: Warstud
I don't think they mispelled spacial or sause. It's probably Greek spelling. I've seen tire spelled tyre.

Greek made simple!
I'm sympathetic with these spelling problems. Spelling is a problem for me. My goal is to learn how to spell words close enough so the spell checker can take over without posting the message "no suggestion". Before desktop computers my wife was my spell checker and now when I'm away from my computer my 10 year old granddaughter is my spell checker. She recently won a spelling bee by correctly spelling "paraphernalia" (I had to look at her winning certificate to get it spelled correctly for this posting.)
"Sause" appears on Chinese food too.

I muse that sometimes they get it wrong/ quaint "on purpose" so you, the customer, can feel morally superior. A fair amount of being King Customer, waited on in a restaurant is putting "those people in their place."
Originally Posted By: BRZED
Originally Posted By: Warstud
I don't think they mispelled spacial or sause. It's probably Greek spelling. I've seen tire spelled tyre.

Greek made simple!

Where I come from tyre is correct.
The partial cents on prices drive up the wall. When something is listed at .99¢, which is 99/100 of a cent. I believe they really mean 99¢ or $.99. I tried arguing the point one time (yes, only once) and they had no idea what I was talking about.
To me, it depends. A restaurant run by people who are not native English speakers. No big deal.

An outfit trying to sell tutoring services for my child? They better be perfect, they claim expertise in a knowledge related business.

A few years back, I noticed some yard signs outside a local new car dealer when I drove by. They said, "Payment to high" and other similar phrases. It made me laugh. Someone thought of and approved these signs. But no one noticed it was the wrong form of too?
I took a test in the Army when I was at Signal Officer Advanced School in Ft Gordon, GA.

They asked the following question. If a 33 and a 1/3rd RPM record plays for 3 minutes, how many grooves on that side of the record? It was multiple choice with answers of 10, 100 and 1000.

I went up to the proctor and told him the correct answer was not on the test. He looked at me and said, lieutenant, we've been giving this test for decades, the right answer is there.

I said, you are looking for 100, wanting me to multiply 33.33 RPMs times 3 minutes to get 100, but there is only ONE groove on that side of the record. It's a spiral starting on the outside edge and makes it way to the center.

It makes 100 revolutions, but there is only one groove.

He told me to sit my smart backside down and fill in the answer they are expecting.

Originally Posted By: SevenBizzos
The partial cents on prices drive up the wall. When something is listed at .99¢, which is 99/100 of a cent. I believe they really mean 99¢ or $.99. I tried arguing the point one time (yes, only once) and they had no idea what I was talking about.
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