That flip-flopping &^$%#$@!!!!!

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Originally posted by carrera79:
Tec97-thanks for that post. I need to clarify myself. I am not anti-abortion, but I am anti-murder. Before it is considered a life I have no problems with abortions. I'm taking a position that's going to get me in trouble with both sides. Honestly, what really gets my goat is the posturing of groups like NOW with their "woman's choice" argument especially in regards to late term abortion (I have no issues with abortion in the case of medical emergency). That is completely callous and flys in the face of civilized people. IMHO.
This is such an ubelievably difficult issue.

I will stand with you here. My own position is that in the first trimester the fetus is not sufficiently developed to be considered a human being of the same moral standing as an adult - as such abortion should be unrestricted - as the fetus develops and becomes viable, then it's moral standing changes. I agree that there are good reasons for restricting late-term abortions, however in some cases they are necessary/desireable in terms of the health of the mother, thus I could not support a blanket ban even of these, however the danger they present to the mother, let alone the questionable morality of it at that point should make them extremely rare.

Originally posted by carrera79:
Amazing, I'm agreeing with Tec97 on something. See, we can all really get along.

It's the name-calling and extremism that gets in the way. Both sides (but especially the Republicans
) yell at the top of their lungs "if you're not with us, you're against us!" when the fact of the matter is that most people are somewhere in the middle and no one, not Republicans nor Democrats is REALLY speaking for us and what we believe.
If we're all civilized of course. It looks as if politics might be banned. I'll still come here, but I'll miss this part of the board terribly.
Well said stuff, ALS.
I enjoy the political discussion here, so long as people stay away from personal attacks and name-calling. I think it's heating up more too since it's an election year. FWIW, IMB's are privately-owned and the owner(s) can censor if they want, First Ammendment does not apply.
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