Stupid driver.

Jun 5, 2003
Apple Valley, California
Yesterday I was stopped at the stop sign where the red dot is. I needed to go to the driveway with the yellow dot. I'm basically facing west. There was no traffic going north so if I was going to go right I could easily. There was a lot of traffic going south so I couldn't cross the street to get into that driveway. Guy behind me starts screaming,honking etc.

As soon as I got an opening I crossed the street but the dummy tried to pass me on my left , assuming I was going right. I did not have my signal on for this reason as I was not turning but basically going straight.

Guy nearly turned into my drivers door. At the last minute he brakes and tucked in behind me as I crossed the street.

Zoomed off in his hoopdie still honking, screaming and waving his hands like a moron.

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Offset driveways. You were changing lanes. "I" would've turned my "left" turn signal on as I pulled away from the stop sign and stopped to let traffic clear, then turned left. OR Go on down the road and turn around and turn "right" into the yellow dot driveway. Remember who you are dealing with now-a-days.
Based on where the solid yellow line ends, I don't think the intention is to allow your left turn. It doesn't look like you can make that left without either crossing a solid yellow line, or cutting the corner.
I'm not trying to be "Joe Safety" here but this is the kind of congested bull$#!7 I avoid at all cost....even having to make a U-Turn.

There's too much confusion invited....too much to go wrong. Steer clear. YOU me SURE no crash happens. You're the smart one and they're the stupid ones (right?) so that makes you in charge, so get it right.
I did not have my signal on for this reason as I was not turning but basically going straight.

Guy nearly turned into my drivers door. At the last minute he brakes and tucked in behind me as I crossed the street.
Doesn't look straight to me at all. I agree with the others here. It looks like you made the mistake. You are lucky there was not an accident.

EDIT: I agree with Kira that it is designed poorly. And a quicky look at CA solid yellow line law makes it look like he was wrong to attempt to pass on a single solid yellow?......confusing.

I took the advice of my son-in-law UPS driver years ago - drive super defensively and attempt to think ahead as to what might happen. I.E., "clear" (inspect) all intersections regardless of light color before proceeding.
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Based on where the solid yellow line ends, I don't think the intention is to allow your left turn. It doesn't look like you can make that left without either crossing a solid yellow line, or cutting the corner.
It's not a double double yellow. In my state you can cross double or single yellow to enter a driveway.
The intersection is quite stupid. Here's a bigger pic. It's the red dot. If I go to the yellow dot it's marked no left turn.

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I doubt he would have exercised more care if a turn signal was on. He was enraged.

Had an enraged idiot with FL plates, driving an F150 brake checking people on I-95 the other day. Was obviously in a rush and had a long way to drive, but driving like an imbecile didn’t help anything. People were all going 80 in a 70, and close together. This idiot thought they were entitled, and weaving in and out of traffic.

Stupid, enraged people do stupid things.
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California law... Also remember that this state allows motorcycles to lane split.

You may cross over either a single solid yellow line or double solid yellow lines to make a left turn at an intersection, to enter or exit a road or a driveway, or to make a U-turn, if it can be made safely and is not otherwise prohibited.
I would not have attempted that if there were people behind me that expect traffic to flow to the right, if a lot of traffic was present in the left lane of that road you're attempting to cross. Mostly out of courtesy.

It only takes another minute or so to do a u-turn somewhere, pull in a parking lot and turn around, whatever, and get back where you can make a right hand turn with the flow of traffic.

We have a lot of stupid intersections in Louisville where I work, where people do dumb things to try and save time. Accidents always happen in these locations. I see that type of maneuver you were attempting as inviting an accident if traffic flow was heavy. Was the guy behind you in a hurry and being an idiot? Absolutely!
That merge lane and driveway combo looks like it was designed to create accidents! Even here in Florida if they don't allow to to turn left into the driveway, there would be a "no left turn sign" there and if it became a problem (they usually do since people act like the sign doesn't apply to them), they would put a barrier down the middle of the road to physically prevent people turning left into the driveway. Note that in the first photo there is also an arrow on the pavement showing that the driveway is also an exit and I don't see anything saying that the exit is a RH turn only so presumably people are turning left out the driveway and they are also crossing the yellow line.

OP I think that you were in the right but also, if I were you, in order to avoid confusion, I would not use a right turn signal at the merge since it is a "merge" and not an intersection. Also as soon as I cleared the merge I would put on my left turn signal. And it you have an idiot behind you, you might want to put on the left turn signal even before you merge onto the main road.

The county or state should have made the developer of that store add a dedicated left hand turn lane to the road.
I get why he was ticked...doesn't justify dangerous/aggressive behavior. I would have just gone right and banged a u-ee.
Okay, but if you cross double-yellows to get into a parking space on the other side, you get a ticket. (Thread-drift)
Based on where the solid yellow line ends, I don't think the intention is to allow your left turn. It doesn't look like you can make that left without either crossing a solid yellow line, or cutting the corner.

In most if not all states in the USA, it is perfectly OK to make a left turn across a double yellow line. They don't break the double yellow line for every single driveway and business entrance on the road.
In most if not all states in the USA, it is perfectly OK to make a left turn across a double yellow line. They don't break the double yellow line for every single driveway and business entrance on the road.
I did not have my signal on for this reason as I was not turning but basically going straight.

Zoomed off in his hoopdie still honking, screaming and waving his hands like a moron.
I have to disagree with you here. I would have had my left turn signal on the whole time at the stop sign. If you're going across a moving lane of traffic into a driveway or entrance thats slightly offset of where the stop sign is, as far as the people behind you are concerned, you're turning, not going straight. A left turn signal would have been the appropriate thing here, in my opinion.

Doesnt at all excuse the behavior of the meathead behind you though. Some people dont have the temperament, patience, or maturity to be in traffic, and its only getting worse by the day. His trying to pass you in the intersection was just a prick move.

We have an intersection very similar to this not far from my house and its the topic of many Facebook posts in the neighborhood group. But in our case, the only real difference is the stop sign is a traffic light, and people debate all the time over close calls there because some people consider it a turn, so they turn right on red, while others say they have received tickets for going right on red, because some of the police officers say they are actually going straight and ding them for running a light. We've even had some of the local police join in on the conversations and even they admit there isnt agreement in the department on how they individually handle it. Its just a badly designed intersection.
We have an intersection very similar to this not far from my house and its the topic of many Facebook posts in the neighborhood group. But in our case, the only real difference is the stop sign is a traffic light, and people debate all the time over close calls there because some people consider it a turn, so they turn right on red, while others say they have received tickets for going right on red, because some of the police officers say they are actually going straight and ding them for running a light. We've even had some of the local police join in on the conversations and even they admit there isnt agreement in the department on how they individually handle it. Its just a badly designed intersection.

If a vehicle at that light doesn't cross the path of traffic arriving from the right---then they made a right turn. If they need only yield to traffic arriving from the left--then they made a right turn. If they only need to look to the left to safely pass through the intersection--then they made a right turn.

Sounds like the cops need to get the city engineer to explain it to them.
In most if not all states in the USA, it is perfectly OK to make a left turn across a double yellow line. They don't break the double yellow line for every single driveway and business entrance on the road.
I swear I often think of this. Again, I time things so nobody is near me and if I can't, I 'go 'round' and do it calmly and quietly.
The goal is to be, "The Invisible Motorist". It's faster, cheaper, better.