ST7317 "Loose"

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I was in Wally today, naturally went to the oil section. While there, thought I'd check out the ST7317 and the shorty version ST6607. Put my finger in the outlet hole and touched the centertube. And, yes the was some movement of centertube/core for both, not much but some. Shook them also, but there was no decernible sound or movement. I would have used them with not problem.

I know, need to get a life but it was for a good cause. Based on my experience, it's possible, but I doubt the OP's filter will show anything out of the ordinary.

I got another email from Champ Labs asking if there was any physical damage to the can.

Champ Labs: "If the filter is dropped during shipping it is possible to damage the leaf spring in the filter, which holds the media against the back plate."

I said that the can looked good, and there was no evidence of damage to it. They did offer to sent a retrieval kit, so I'm going to take them up on that offer. I will ship it off tomorrow and will let you all know if I hear back from them.

Good timing; I was going to go to Walmart today and exchange it for another ST (checking it first, of course).
Champion does stand behind their products. At least that's been my experience. I'm glad they are following up on your complaint.

I got a letter from Champion Labs yesterday.

"Inspection of the returned filter confirmed that the element would rattle slightly, when the filter was shaken. So that the internal filter parts could be inspected more closely, the filter was cut open. We found that the metal leaf spring, that maintains tension on the element assembly, was permanently deformed. This condition reduced the axial load on the element assembly, allowing it to move inside the shell. This type of damage typically results when a case of filters is dropped or something heavy, such as another case of filters, is dropped on it. The evidence indicates the filter has been a victim of rough handling. The lack of visible external damage indicates the filter was in the case when the damage occurred."

They say that they regret any inconvenience this caused, and "complementary replacement filters will be shipped to [my] attention and should be arriving soon."

I want to publically acknowledge Champion Labs' quick response and thorough inspection letter. I will report back when I get the filters.
As I said, if one can shake it an hear noise/feel movement then it's likely to have a compromised leaf spring. That said, I was able to move the centertube slightly on the ST 7317/6607 versions. But, no noise was or movement when shaken.

Good that Champ responded to the inquiry/complaint. I would expect the replacements to be fine.
That is a bad answer from the Labs. They can't believe that themselves, just an excuse for poor quality control. These thinga are assembled by the thousands on machines, for probably less than $1 each. Someone slipped up on the spring tempering process, IMO.
I agree that there's no way to verify their answer. For what it's worth, I didn't see ANY physical evidence of damage. If an impact deformed the leaf spring, I'd think there would also be a permanent deformation in the outer can. Unless the G forces were enough on the filter such that the momentum of the element assembly squished the spring without exterior evidence.

Personally, I suspect a manufacturing problem. The spring was probably on the very outer edge of the specification tolerance (or even slightly out of spec). I believe the element assembly was "in place" when I bought it. The slight movement of the assembly when I was looking at the rubber ring inside the threads probably disloged the already very loose spring/element.

Either way, we'll see what they send me. Maybe I'll get a handful of M1 filters for my trouble.
My wife called and said my filters came today. They sent me (4) ST7317s. I'll check 'em all for looseness before using!

I have (5) oil filters for the 'X now. The four STs and a PureOne I bought yesterday.
That's really neat. When they got their filter back they could check all the numbers and see if any tooling is needed. Responsible people in every aspect here. Thanks for the post.
This is very interesting. When I got home, I found the four filters. Three of them are very old, manufactured "082407". Those three feel very solid. The fourth, manufactured "111010", feels loose inside. It doesn't rattle when you shake it, but the element DOES move inside the can. One other poster reported that earlier in this thread also, the movable element.

The boxes for the three earlier filters are larger than the boxes for the recent filter, though the filters themselves are identical on the outside.

It seems to me that the ST7317 has either undergone an engineering modification that has changed the spring pressure on the element, or there is a systemic defect in a recent run of filters. Bad springs or bad assembly perhaps.

I will keep the three older filters and use them, but I will cut open the new one and just have a look-see. I know I won't find anything, but with the element that moves around inside, I'm not comfortable using it anyway.
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