Rotten Corn

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I'd give it a try to be honest, plenty of delicious products already use fermentation or mold why not?
I'd give it a crack personally.

The media's use of "rotten" is designed to instill a certain "eww", and have people pass the article on.

Every traditional culture has fermentation. Pickled cabbage is everywhere that there's cabbage.

Yoghurts, even bread...could be described as "infected", or "rotten" if you wanted to make a point.
Oh, and by the way, when I saw a thread called "rotten corn" by silk, in the menu bar, I laughed...sorry.
I'll pass thanks. Just like that rotten cabbage the Koreans bury till it's rotten then dig up and eat. Some would call either a delicacy and to each his own. Still, you know what fly's consider a delicacy.
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