Recommend a wax for me

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Mar 25, 2008
Kansas City Metro
I am questioning the difference between waxes vs. polishes vs. "cleaner" waxes.

I don't really care about having a the shiniest truck the world has ever seen. I just want something that will protect my paint job. I have been using Mother's paste Caranuba Cleaner Wax for several years with good results but I was wondering if there was anything out there that would be better for protecting. Again, level of shine is not a huge concern for me.
Originally Posted By: RTexasF
Collinite Liquid Insulator Wax #845


Water is still beading (not so much in some areas) on both my vehicles after all winter. And we have a lot of water right now
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A PURE wax is a product that is only a wax in that it will not use polishing oils and it will not contain any chemical abrasives/cleaners.

A PURE polish is just that. Various assortments of polishing oils that will nourish the paint and can be used when removing minor paint defects.

A cleaner wax is a "combination" wax that will contain chemical cleaners to remove minor bonded contaminants and polishes to aid in the removal of minor paint defects. A lot of waxes that you can buy at your local hardware store will contain an amount of cleaner and/or polish but are there for wax suspension and application rather than the methodical removal of defects.

There is a lot of information on From there you may very well consider Meguiar's products (I use and love their stuff) or you can mix and match, making use of other brands. I am far more experienced when it comes to paint care than I am with oil so you can always message me if you want. I have kind of been doing it on a professional level for a while

I warn you and your spouse, if you being reading the information on MOL, you may become addicted to oil and detailing! Another key point about MOL is that the information provided is general for all products. If they mention a wax, pick your favourite wax (My favourite is Meguiar's #16 right now).
Collinite 476s is another option. Either of the two (845 or 476s) will give you the protection and durability you want plus a great gloss.
I have seen Zaino at Walmart and it is kinda expensive. The price doesn't bother me at all if it is a good product though. Anyone else have experience with Zaino?
Originally Posted By: dsmith41
I have seen Zaino at Walmart and it is kinda expensive. The price doesn't bother me at all if it is a good product though. Anyone else have experience with Zaino?

You must be thinking of another Z product. Zaino is only available directly from the mfr, or from local distributors.
Could he be thinking of Zymol? I saw that at AAP and thought for a second it could have been Zaino. I had to do a double take since I haven't used either product.
A friend gave a bottle of Zaino Z5 he told me that is was junk. I would never buy a Zaino product because I know better. Anyway I tried it on black , now it says right on the bottle that it fills swirl marks and fine scratches...this stuff did nothing and I mean nothing too fill swirl marks and scratches , and the shine was lackluster too say the least. Beware of the Zaino SHILLS we have some on this site , I have two quick detailers that give a much better shine then Zaino.
Originally Posted By: bretfraz
With Zaino you can have it all - protection, durability, and shine. Why compromise?

Because there is always better!

I use a product called Glare. It comes off nice and easy and leaves an amazing shine. The product also lasts a long time. I get it from a local detailer for about $25 a bottle.
I've been a big fan of using Meguairs Cleaner wax followed up with the Gold Class. That said, I am in the process of trying Nxt 2.0 and my first impression is it is slicker than Gold class, but I don't know about the longevity yet.
Originally Posted By: bigmike
I've been a big fan of using Meguairs Cleaner wax followed up with the Gold Class. That said, I am in the process of trying Nxt 2.0 and my first impression is it is slicker than Gold class, but I don't know about the longevity yet.

Only problem with NXT is that it doesn't last. The "relentless waterbeading" they claim is all hype.
Honestly, if you're hand applying and want to pick up your stuff locally, I'd recommend starting with a clay bar, followed up by Step 1 (Pre-Wax Cleaner) and Step 2 (Sealer Glaze) of the Mother's system, followed by the wax of your choice. Personally, I prefer synthetic waxes to traditional carnuba wax. Mother's Reflections is one of my favorite parts store waxes.

Some people will scoff at my recommendation of Mother's, but it's easy to find, easy to apply by hand, relatively inexpensive, and produces better than adequate results.

The thing about detailing products is that you can ask 10 different people and get 10 different answers. It's like oil recommendations... but worse.
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