Receiving End of Payed Forward Twice!

Jun 3, 2002
My wife was on the receiving end of getting payed forward twice in less than a week. First time was in a butcher shop on senior citizen day for $100. The next time was in a Fresh Thyme natural food store ($30) where she let 2 people with one item go ahead of her. In each instance she went to pay for her groceries and the clerk said that the person ahead of her took care of the charge. I think this is a first for us.

I initially felt uncomfortable about it and thought we should share the goodness. In a discussion with her, she reminded me what we do year-round for others: shared home-made cider and maple syrup, home-made meals to elderly friends, etc.. A few weeks ago she paid the remaining $8 for an underfunded young couple buying dog food at the feed store.

I'm uncomfortable being on the receiving end of praise and sharing. This time I conceded to accept it with thankfulness.

Wishing everyone here some positive goodness in the upcoming months. We all need to work together to reach that distant light at the end of the tunnel.
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It feels great when it happens. It’s happened to us a few times sometimes we are able to pay for the person behind us sometimes not. Once we got $35 worth of food at Wendy’s in the drive thru and the person in front of us paid for it then the people behind us were in a big passenger van had gotten $100 worth of food but we couldn’t afford to pay that much not at Wendy’s anyway so we couldn’t do it but we done it later that day somewhere else.
This happened to me recently at a nutrition club that I frequent. I "paid it forward" to the next person. IF YOU HAVE THE MEANS to continue the chain and don't, you are kind of a jerk, lol. Again, if you have the means.

It was certainly a pleasant surprise and restores your faith in humanity a bit.
When I drive my C-Max I was getting this a few times a week.
But when I drive my F250 I get zilch............
Of course my drive-in bills are $3-$4

I like doing it as well. We all need some kindness you know.
It feels great when it happens. It’s happened to us a few times sometimes we are able to pay for the person behind us sometimes not. Once we got $35 worth of food at Wendy’s in the drive thru and the person in front of us paid for it then the people behind us were in a big passenger van had gotten $100 worth of food but we couldn’t afford to pay that much not at Wendy’s anyway so we couldn’t do it but we done it later that day somewhere else.
If I see you., I'm out of
If I was on the receiving end of a pay forward, I might feel insulted. I do the pay forward thing to others fairly often, but my financial situation is better than average. If it happened and I told my wife, she'd suggest that my pants look a little too comfy and I need a haircut :ROFLMAO:
I did suggest to my wife that she stop dressing like a homeless person. Then, I made the mistake of telling her that I had posted pictures of her in the men's restrooms with the message "for a good time, ................" LOL. Slept on the couch last night. Not really. We have that type of relationship that we can make fun of ourselves.
It is a big fat nothing for an affluent person to gift money or wharever.
It is a real gift for a struggling person to do so. I try and remember that.

I have been on both sides. When I was a homeless drunk, a friend who was just a little better off than me, gave me a ten dollar bill.
Art said, "I don't like my friends to be without money." I never forgot that.
pay for her groceries and the clerk said that the person ahead of her took care of the charge
How did they know how much her bill was going to be ?

$100 worth of food but we couldn’t afford to pay that much
You can pay a portion. It's not the amount, but the thought or principle.

My story: Went to the small grocery in town (used to be an IGA - the type of grocery where things are more expensive than at Kroger, Walmart, etc so you typically just get last-minute things, at least we do) at the start of Covid last spring. This was when many were scared to go out too much and the elderly lady in front of me went to the store to get "essentials". She paid with a check but it didn't have a phone number on it and the ******* store refused to accept it. Sadly, the lady didn't even know her phone number (memory issue, dementia, ??) and they told her to go home, get her #, and come back ! :oops: She responded that she didn't want to go out to begin with and definitely didn't want to go out a 2nd time to return. I put my card in the machine and paid for her items and told the manager, who had come over and was the one that told her to get her phone # and come back, that she needs to re-think that policy. Mind you, we're not talking about $150 worth of groceries either...
How did they know how much her bill was going to be ?
Hall, they just guessed I suppose. The first $100 was $20 more than her bill - she left the extra $20 with the clerk to pass on. The second $30 was less than her total bill.