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. . . and no a shoe sale is NOT an emergency.

Awwww c'mon JC -- it just depends upon how one defines an "emergency"!

I shudder at the thought of how poor* Astronaut Nowak would define the term. As in: "emergency" is when the rival for the affections of a man I imagine I have a relationship with is flying 1000 miles to Orlando and I must beat her there so I can beat on her, cut her up, and stuff her . . ." Oh, I just better stop before I get all the way out of control.

* Although I'm the one who instigated this thread, I actually do feel sympathy for this lady (though I also think that she needs to be held appropriately accountable). Clearly, she's got more loose screws than a 1971 AMC Matador, and she's elevated personal self-humiliation to a never before imagined colossal level. If I were her, and I hadn't just offed myself by now, I'd certainly have permanently bolted the doors on my house shut (from the inside, of course), spray painted every mirror black, and then put a bag over my head (just in case I accidentally confronted some other reflective surface. . .
Awwww c'mon JC -- it just depends upon how one defines an "emergency"!

Interviewer: How will you cope now that your reputation ..your life, for that matter, has been completely destroyed??

Lisa Marie's spokes person: Well, first ..I think we need to define "completely destroyed" before that could be answered.
Good point Gary. Of course, in this instance, I'd say that the destruction is so overwhelming and extreme that it would be reeeeeeealy hard for her to define her way out of it. I mean, let's face it, a "complete recovery" from this mess is pretty much going to have to involve both a name change and extensive plastic surgery. Anything less and she'll probably have to endure a lifetime of being asked to autograph one Depends undergarment after another after another.
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