Please help me identify what this is; outdoor home "thingy"

Jul 26, 2004
New Bri-en, CT
This is outside my friend's house; she believes it has something to do with the previous owner having a tractor driven generator; The large nut does not rotate but the sleeve to the right of it does? VERY firmly in the ground; i could not move it @ all.


IDK....but your friend needs a couple of feet of downspout to get the water away from the foundation.
I'll bet there was a wheel or hub that goes the rotating piece. Why I have no idea. Come on this is BITOG !!!!!!! We won't sleep until we know!!!!
I'd guess a hose reel and if there isn't a faucet nearby then that adjacent downspout was probably feeding a water barrel in the past.
It is not for heating oil. Look at that right angle. It would dump as much on the ground as in the tank.
It is too small for the hose end. It would not meet any code. No one would be willing to try to fill it.