Password Manager

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Apr 11, 2003
Can you recommend a solid password manager?

I've heard of DashLane and maybe a couple of others.

I'd like to know your personal experience with a password manager, if any.

I have used roboform over the last 4 years or so. It works excellent for me, easy to set up and updated frequently with zero cost...
I can highly recommend 1Password. It is really a solid product with continual upgrades and additions. It has great cross platform compatibility and unlike a lot of password managers they really do take security serious. There might be others that are good but I've used 1Password for years and haven't been disappointed.
I use KeePass. There are lots of implementations of it for many platforms.

I second Roboform. It works really well across all platforms ie, desktop, and iOS devices. Sorry we don't have any Androids so I can't say anything about them but it should work well.
A small notebook... Come up with a convention to somehow mask what you write and it's safer than having an electronic PW manager.
Originally Posted By: Alfred_B
A small notebook... Come up with a convention to somehow mask what you write and it's safer than having an electronic PW manager.

I do that, minus masking. I'm tempted to change my passwords: pick a 4 digit number that I never write down, and is appended to the passwords that I write down. That way, even if someone gets the paper, it's still not enough information to log in. I should also store said notebook in a fireproof safe.
We use LastPass, free version
Works quite well and is much safer than the 3 or so passwords I used to use across everything.

I have a strong master password, written down in two places that is also slightly masked. Plus using Google Authenticator to log in to LastPass and Gmail.

That's about as much effort as I want to put in.
Used to be a 1Password user but them all but forcing the subscription model on everyone had me looking at alternatives. Enpass - is just like 1PW and a lot cheaper and just as good.
Originally Posted By: Alfred_B
A small notebook... Come up with a convention to somehow mask what you write and it's safer than having an electronic PW manager.

Google "tabula recta" for an excellent obfuscation method.
I use KeePass and have been happy with it for going on 9 years. Most of my critical passwords are long and randomized, so I have no way of memorizing them. KeePass stores them and then can copy them to clipboard for 10 seconds or directly input them using "obfuscation".
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