NuFinish SUCKS!

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Used it on my black Acura before winter, as far as ease of application goes nothing spectacular rather hard to buff. Results however were 7.5/10 durability a lot better than other waxes. That is all, overall an OK product for an average car owner, sometimes preparation could be important i.e. salt/winter beaten paint always seems to require more effort than subsequent waxings later in the year.
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You need to aply it very very thin with a PC and it works great as a one step for a daily driver. If it is dusting you are using way way to much product.
I'll chime in here. I've used Nu Finish on both of out Accents, and it does a nice job.

Sounds like the OP had a bad/old bottle. I've had the same thing happen with Meguiar's glaze in the past.
Nu-Finish is a mixed bag like all products. It was designed to be many things to many people by doing many things well even if not great! Meaning, easy to apply/remove, remove oxidation, long lasting shine, affordable etc. I have seen many wax products do what Critic mentioned, at one time or another. Sometime it happens if the product is applied too heavely/thick or maybe the N-F is old(sitting on the shelf too long) even if just purchaced.
I have used N-F in the direct sunlight and it dries nicely and removes easily. The only thing I didn't like about was how much dust residue it left behind. I always felt like I had to redust my vehicles after waxing with N-F. Other than that, I thought it was a fine product. Also, it was one of the easier products to remove from black trim if gotten right away as demarpaint would disagree(we each have our own experiences) and I don't doubt that this has happened to others. I don't think that N-F is a perfect product nor for everybody. You need to find the product that works best for you. I have seen N-F not work well on certain paints such as vehicles that have been repainted or certain pannels repainted. Years ago my dad had an LTD that had the front fender and door repainted and any wax I used on his car was hard to remove on those two pannels but the rest of the car was fine.
Originally Posted By: demarpaint
I tried it, thought it was garbage, it stains black trim more than any other wax I ever used. In a word IMO 'garbage' there are much better products. There are people that love it, to each is own I guess. JMO

I have used products such as YELLOW WAX that hides scratches and makes the paint really shinny, almost wet...until the next washing! I first thought this stuff was the Cat's PJ's but, not so. I still use it if I want the paint to look good for a week.
Just used some Collinite 915 today. This stuff has a good shine and has SERIOUS fillers. :crazy:

Easy to work with (small dab does half of a hood), easy to remove and great slickness. Doesn't stain trim either. Much better than Nufinish.
I applied NuFinish on my two cars in Dec 2007. One was a one year old Lexus and the other was a 4 year old Ford that hadn't been waxed in a while.

I used the paste and followed the instructions very closely ie apply with a wet cloth, let dry and then rub off. I did make the mistake of letting it dry too much and it was difficult to get off even with a microfiber cloth. But the results were very good. My Lexus was getting a lot of looks immediately after.

The Ford is mainly parked out of the sun and I would say it is still beading two and a half years later.

I haven't done a lot of waxing, but here is another user who applied it in an almost identical way to mine and compares it favorably to everything else he ever used:
Originally Posted By: The Critic
Just used some Collinite 915 today. This stuff has a good shine and has SERIOUS fillers. :crazy:

Easy to work with (small dab does half of a hood), easy to remove and great slickness. Doesn't stain trim either. Much better than Nufinish.

The next time you wash the car(dad's van), notice if that "edge" in shine and hiding serfice scratches compared to other products, is gone! If not, then you found your product.
Originally Posted By: rjacket

The Ford is mainly parked out of the sun and I would say it is still beading two and a half years later.

I haven't done a lot of waxing, but here is another user who applied it in an almost identical way to mine and compares it favorably to everything else he ever used:

Everyone has a different opinion of what good beading means. After a year, then any claims seem nebulous.

If your paint needs paint conditioning (claying and cleaning), then NuFinish will seem to perform better than some products like Mothers FX or Meg's NXT because NuFinish is a paint cleaner as much or more than it is a sealant. The latter do not have aggressive cleaners.

If you claim year durability, I think your definition is different from others.

For example, if you used Mother Pre-Wax cleaner then Mothers FX you would get better results -- clean paint, nice look, beading by your defintion for a similar period.
Originally Posted By: asiancivicmaniac
Originally Posted By: gathermewool
Zymol, huh? I'll have to check that out next time I'm at Wally World. I bought Nufinish because the bottle told me I only had to do it once a year! None of the other bottles said that. Haha
: P

The Zymol they sell at WM is supposedly made by Turtle Wax, which is different from the real Zymol.

It's real Zymol alright. TW has the name in the States and they are using them as a means of distribution.
Nu finish sucks?

I agree that there are better options, but nu finish works pretty well. I wouldn't hesitate to recommend it in a minute.

It refreshed my girls neglected (03) accord. She did the work too. Made the paint look nice.

Buy a new bottle.
Used Nufinish on an 07 Saturn Ion and an 04 BMW, put on 2 applications within a month as the paste wax recommended and leaves a nice finish, used light coats, cleaned up easy, very little dust on removal. Pleased so far, 3 months have gone by.
I've tried a lot of products and I've always gone back to Nufinish. Sealers work great but the surface prep is very time consuming and I didn't find the end result that great for the effort. My biggest complaint is a lot of the products just don't last. The exotic products may provide a better and "deeper" shine but for durability and protection Nufinish is hard to beat. I've never known it to damage or scratch paint or clearcoat...if anything it preserves the paint finish. I've been using it for at least 20 years and have been very happy with it as well. As far as the staining, yes it stains badly. I found that a magic eraser removes the stains nicely. For those of us who detail and wax the car only once or twice a year, it's a great product.
Originally Posted By: oilmaven
I've never known it to damage or scratch paint or clearcoat...if anything it preserves the paint finish. I've been using it for at least 20 years and have been very happy with it as well. As far as the staining, yes it stains badly. I found that a magic eraser removes the stains nicely. For those of us who detail and wax the car only once or twice a year, it's a great product.

When someone says a wax scratches paint, my guess is that due to the applicator or removal process, they had rubbed too hard or use a bad applicator or towel.

This can happen if you over apply sensitive products like Collinite that is not very forgiving if over applied or allowed to haze too long before removal. It can be a bear to remove if you try to buff it off.
You had a bad bottle that was old and had been through temperature extremes like freezing. Nu Finish is a top quality product. I have used it for over 20 years on many cars and their paint jobs look factory new. My oldest car is 15 years old and the paint is still like new.

All these posts and no pictures! Lets put up or shut up! Here are a few of my Nu Finished waxed cars. Anyone who says Nu Finish is [censored] does not know what they are talking about:



















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Originally Posted By: dwcopple
I envy your white 'hoe. nice rides.

Thanks! I love the Tahoe and I'll never sell it! 2 doors will be classics soon.
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