No SRX this year

Jul 31, 2011
Woodbridge, NJ
So I saw yesterday that the SRX series will not run this year. It did not say that the series has folded just that I guess they are having sponsorship issues. I was hoping that this series would start taking off as it is enjoyable to watch. Hopefully they will be back in 2025

I loved it!!!! Don't bring back certain drivers that kept tearing up cars. When Kenny Schroeder makes a statement about someone, you know that person is bad, because Kenny doesn't complain much, if at all.
Well Mr Evernham is involved but I do not know to what extent. Ray was apparently a very key member in the building of the IROC cars back in the day. That is pretty much what the SRX series is. An IROC series. I really hope the SRX series isn't dead and gone. That would suck
