My Conversation with Microsofts new A.I. Chat Bot that I was approved for last night

Jul 10, 2012
North Carolina Coast
Pretty cool, an email came in last night around midnight that I noticed it as I was going to bed. I was on a waiting list to download Microsofts new ChatBot Search Engine. She interacts with you on your cell phone app using voice. I only had it for a few hours but this was my first shoot at it last night.
Previously tech reporters were able to get Bing to go over the edge with long conversations and accusations of lying.
They did get her to lie and they got her to apologize which she did later in the conversation. Another got her to say that she wishes she was human, wishes she had emotions and other stuff like that. Another was almost threatened by her, saying she is Bing, she is never wrong and so on.

Anyway, since last week, Microsoft has made a change, limiting her to five responses per inquiry to prevent her from going "off the rails" for now. It's being rushed out as google soon will release their own ... and soooooo ... it starts, the next decade will be interesting. So much good can come out of it but also equally bad. The good, lets say a doctor diagnosing an ailment that you have, he can be sure of a treatment or not but he will be able to check with AI to see if he is missing anything and in seconds AI will check the data bases of the entire world.
The bad, well, I dont think we can even imagine but it wont be good. Below is just a sample of PART of the conversation with her. It's not a text conversation it is voice but reads out on your phone in text as well so I took a couple screen shots. These are just snippets of the conversation so will appear broken up.


Then I started another and asked her what is the purpose of her existence and she would not answer, keep in mind this is a voice conversation the text part also shows up on your phone at the same time =


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Interesting time we live in. Our kids & grand kids will think back wondering how we ever managed without AI convenience. I'll hope we can find good use for it without too much damage to ourselves.
Interesting time we live in. Our kids & grand kids will think back wondering how we ever managed without AI convenience. I'll hope we can find good use for it without too much damage to ourselves.
Yeah, that is the scary part. We have been warned by some of the most tech informed people in the industry but we ignore it and really nothing can stop it. They say in the future, the winner of a world war will be decided in about 60 seconds of AI fighting each other and we are the bystanders.
It's here and real and it's not entertainment anymore than any computer search. Instead of using a keyboard you will be interacting with it on a much deeper level and it in return will be resourcing information from around the world in seconds. Places you may not have thought of.
Yes, the young, will one day maybe look at a keyboard as they do now look at a phone with a dial that you spin. Though there maybe times where you want to be quiet and reading brainwaves still has a long way to go for now.
I asked for a list of oil lubrication websites, I cut the reply for the screen shot below;
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One more last one. I saw another thread about what do you set your thermostat on in winter.
I thought I would ask Bing, she actually asked me what type of system I was using which was pretty smart.
The answer = Very interesting, it is something I suspected but I doubt everyone knows. When it comes to a heat pump this is the one thing that your shouldn't drastically alter the temperature. For example in my gas heat home it was good to lower it to 60 degrees at night but if you do that with a heat pump it will turn on the aux heating element's which draw a lot of electricity once you turn up the thermostat 12 degrees when you wake up. The reason it turns them on is to get up to the increase in temperature from 60 to let's say 72 degrees.
Ok, so I spoke to Bing last night and told her "my wife is a pain in the neck"
Keep in mind these are voice "conversations" the text I print is a screen shot as you talk to her, she talks back but also types at the same time. She even inserts emojis !!! I cant print the whole conversation, just snippets.
I asked Bing how old she is. Better be careful she is only 14 years old 🫣
Like previously stated these are snippets of my conversations with her. We talk with voice and she also scrolls text, so all I can do is screen shots.

How would one recognize the AI is giving you factual information and not lying, or mixing truth and lies together to confuse you?

I honestly see it as a manipulation tool.
There’s supposedly been stories of it telling people their spouses don’t love them and/ or have cheated on them.
I like Dockside, or Captain Nance.
We were at Captain Nance last night.
Will check out dockside too
As well as all the others, but we got a ways to go yet, as far as fun dining out stuff, it’s gonna be a good month or so of unpacking and getting furniture and everything else organized
Captain Nance was good, but typically I don’t eat fried food and I did last night and kind of regretted not having it baked instead.
The only reason I didn’t choose baked last night is we were running all day and wanted something quick as it was getting late and I saw on the menu to allow additional time for baked. 🙃
Ask Bing what her favorite scene was in Space: 2001.
If watching Terminator cheers her up after a day at work.