Movie "Act of Valor"

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Apr 3, 2011
Dallas Texas
Anyone seen it? Any thoughts? Reviews?

I think i want to see it but there is like a 10% chance its not good. Anyone seen it?
Originally Posted By: dparm
The action scenes look good enough to satisfy me. If the plot stinks, so be it...

Ok you got me, thats sort of where im at on it.

Seeing the deck-mounted gatling gun with those HUGE shells coming out did it for me.
Originally Posted By: 45ACP

Seeing the deck-mounted gatling gun with those HUGE shells coming out did it for me.

They're known as miniguns or M134s and "HUGE" is only a 7.62x51...

I appreciate the fact that it's not your typical Hollywood fluff but it reminds me of 'Battle LA' in the sense that one could interpret it as a 2 hour long recruitment video.

Needs a little work and is pretty unrealistic in a few parts but I'll buy the DVD and that's rare.
Originally Posted By: Mixologist
Originally Posted By: 45ACP

Seeing the deck-mounted gatling gun with those HUGE shells coming out did it for me.

They're known as miniguns or M134s and "HUGE" is only a 7.62x51...

I appreciate the fact that it's not your typical Hollywood fluff but it reminds me of 'Battle LA' in the sense that one could interpret it as a 2 hour long recruitment video.

Needs a little work and is pretty unrealistic in a few parts but I'll buy the DVD and that's rare.

i am interested in the military viewpoint. I know it is "actual combat footage".. mixed with CG, i guess?

Please elaborate about what the most "unrealistic" part would be, those of us that have ZERO military experience and only know that AK-47 is 7.62x39MM. (So the minigun shoots longer shells same caliber as an AK?) Quick, what did Arnold Schwarzenegger shoot in Predator 1... amd was it possible to shoot that like that? Or "NO" and thats hollywood just like same in Terminator 2 from the second floor of the Cyberdine Systems building...
Bahhh all the previews that keep beating in the "Active duty Navy Seals" actors sounds like a marketing gimmick to me.

Reminds me of "Based on a true story" movies -which usually translates to "Garbage loosely based on some obscure facts but most idiots will swallow it as historical truth"

I'll take the Quintin Tarantino. Inglorious Basterds over the top type of war movie any day. I'm also partial to WWII

Or if you want a real war movie check out Restrepo came out in 2010
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From what I understand, the directors/producers did some prior filming work within the Navy. This relationship presented the opportunity for the Navy to provide technical expertise for a feature production film intended for public consumption and eventually led to the use of actual soldiers as actions. Being active duty, none of the soldiers names are listed in the film credits.

I would imagine that this will be used by the Navy for recruitment purposes much like America's Army (video game) is used by the Army.
I love action movies, love 'em but this, this is plain old war propaganda and recruitment, its disgusting. It really is a reflection of a profoundly sick society that we are.
Friend of mine saw it and said it was the best war movie since Saving Private Ryan. Said it was great! I have not seen it yet.
Originally Posted By: 45ACP
Originally Posted By: Mixologist
Originally Posted By: 45ACP

Seeing the deck-mounted gatling gun with those HUGE shells coming out did it for me.

They're known as miniguns or M134s and "HUGE" is only a 7.62x51...

I appreciate the fact that it's not your typical Hollywood fluff but it reminds me of 'Battle LA' in the sense that one could interpret it as a 2 hour long recruitment video.

Needs a little work and is pretty unrealistic in a few parts but I'll buy the DVD and that's rare.

i am interested in the military viewpoint. I know it is "actual combat footage".. mixed with CG, i guess?

Please elaborate about what the most "unrealistic" part would be, those of us that have ZERO military experience and only know that AK-47 is 7.62x39MM. (So the minigun shoots longer shells same caliber as an AK?) Quick, what did Arnold Schwarzenegger shoot in Predator 1... amd was it possible to shoot that like that? Or "NO" and thats hollywood just like same in Terminator 2 from the second floor of the Cyberdine Systems building...

Wow that's a lot of questions. Easy answer: 7.62x51 is roughly the same as a .308 and in most cases they're interchangeable the difference being .013" headspace so yeah, it's a 150gr M118 bullet IIRC with and a lot more powder and a longer case than the 7.62x39 but it's the same caliber i.e. 30 cal.

I'd have to go back and watch Predator but either way it's all Hollywood, one person can pick one up but that's about it. I bet somebody has held and managed to fire one but a quick burst is all you could do because it would push you back pretty good. The terminator from T2 could do it because he's a cyborg and I think lifting and manipulating 70+lbs is pretty easy for most/all cyborgs, or at least the one's I know.
There is a video on youtube of a guy doing just that. I can't post the link or embed due some fowl language, but it's out there.

I cannot say with 100% certainty that he was using live rounds for the hand fired scene, but he has no reason to fake it.

For those interested, search the tube for "fpsrussia minigun" and at about 2:10 he fires it by hand with the aid of a sling.
Originally Posted By: stro_cruiser
I love action movies, love 'em but this, this is plain old war propaganda and recruitment, its disgusting. It really is a reflection of a profoundly sick society that we are.

While I somewhat agree I must say that we also must remain ready to defend ourselves. Some degree of gung-ho patriotism is good as it keeps enlistment going.

After all, there's no draft. And I think EVERYONE should have to serve for a couple of years.
Originally Posted By: SteveSRT8
Originally Posted By: stro_cruiser
I love action movies, love 'em but this, this is plain old war propaganda and recruitment, its disgusting. It really is a reflection of a profoundly sick society that we are.

While I somewhat agree I must say that we also must remain ready to defend ourselves. Some degree of gung-ho patriotism is good as it keeps enlistment going.

After all, there's no draft. And I think EVERYONE should have to serve for a couple of years.
I agree with the mandatory military service, once you turn 18 you should have to do 2 years service. That would smarten up alot of these lazy undisciplined kids that have no ambition to do anything with themselves.
Originally Posted By: Mixologist

I'd have to go back and watch Predator but either way it's all Hollywood, one person can pick one up but that's about it. I bet somebody has held and managed to fire one but a quick burst is all you could do because it would push you back pretty good. The terminator from T2 could do it because he's a cyborg and I think lifting and manipulating 70+lbs is pretty easy for most/all cyborgs, or at least the one's I know.

The gun itself weighs that much, there is also a DC power supply to operate the gun which weighs about the same, then there is the ammo that comes in 1500 round cans and weighs 120 lbs. So I dont buy anybody humping that around the jungle, let alone the recoil forces involved with shooting it from an unmounted position.
Originally Posted By: SteveSRT8

While I somewhat agree I must say that we also must remain ready to defend ourselves. Some degree of gung-ho patriotism is good as it keeps enlistment going.

After all, there's no draft. And I think EVERYONE should have to serve for a couple of years.

Looking deeper, which we all desperately need to do, patriotism = separation/division = conflict (war)

"gung-ho patriotism will only ever be a part of the problem, never the solution.

I agree that we need to defend ourselves, IF we remain to be a sick, corrupt, global society, but again, looking deeper, peeling away the layers of what we are....why would anyone ever need to defend themselves of we could, as MLK said, "walk the earth like brothers and sisters"?

Our mental and physical feeding of ebergy into the current system will never bring something we could call peace.

what it all comes down to is that we as individuals are the problem, WE have to change before we can expect anything around us to change, we gotta wake up!

with respect...
Originally Posted By: xxch4osxx
Originally Posted By: SteveSRT8
Originally Posted By: stro_cruiser
I love action movies, love 'em but this, this is plain old war propaganda and recruitment, its disgusting. It really is a reflection of a profoundly sick society that we are.

While I somewhat agree I must say that we also must remain ready to defend ourselves. Some degree of gung-ho patriotism is good as it keeps enlistment going.

After all, there's no draft. And I think EVERYONE should have to serve for a couple of years.
I agree with the mandatory military service, once you turn 18 you should have to do 2 years service. That would smarten up alot of these lazy undisciplined kids that have no ambition to do anything with themselves.

Originally Posted By: Mixologist
Originally Posted By: 45ACP
Originally Posted By: Mixologist
Originally Posted By: 45ACP

Seeing the deck-mounted gatling gun with those HUGE shells coming out did it for me.

They're known as miniguns or M134s and "HUGE" is only a 7.62x51...

I appreciate the fact that it's not your typical Hollywood fluff but it reminds me of 'Battle LA' in the sense that one could interpret it as a 2 hour long recruitment video.

Needs a little work and is pretty unrealistic in a few parts but I'll buy the DVD and that's rare.

i am interested in the military viewpoint. I know it is "actual combat footage".. mixed with CG, i guess?

Please elaborate about what the most "unrealistic" part would be, those of us that have ZERO military experience and only know that AK-47 is 7.62x39MM. (So the minigun shoots longer shells same caliber as an AK?) Quick, what did Arnold Schwarzenegger shoot in Predator 1... amd was it possible to shoot that like that? Or "NO" and thats hollywood just like same in Terminator 2 from the second floor of the Cyberdine Systems building...

Wow that's a lot of questions. Easy answer: 7.62x51 is roughly the same as a .308 and in most cases they're interchangeable the difference being .013" headspace so yeah, it's a 150gr M118 bullet IIRC with and a lot more powder and a longer case than the 7.62x39 but it's the same caliber i.e. 30 cal.

I'd have to go back and watch Predator but either way it's all Hollywood, one person can pick one up but that's about it. I bet somebody has held and managed to fire one but a quick burst is all you could do because it would push you back pretty good. The terminator from T2 could do it because he's a cyborg and I think lifting and manipulating 70+lbs is pretty easy for most/all cyborgs, or at least the one's I know.
Originally Posted By: The_Eric
There is a video on youtube of a guy doing just that. I can't post the link or embed due some fowl language, but it's out there.

I cannot say with 100% certainty that he was using live rounds for the hand fired scene, but he has no reason to fake it.

For those interested, search the tube for "fpsrussia minigun" and at about 2:10 he fires it by hand with the aid of a sling.
Originally Posted By: GMZ
Originally Posted By: Mixologist

I'd have to go back and watch Predator but either way it's all Hollywood, one person can pick one up but that's about it. I bet somebody has held and managed to fire one but a quick burst is all you could do because it would push you back pretty good. The terminator from T2 could do it because he's a cyborg and I think lifting and manipulating 70+lbs is pretty easy for most/all cyborgs, or at least the one's I know.

The gun itself weighs that much, there is also a DC power supply to operate the gun which weighs about the same, then there is the ammo that comes in 1500 round cans and weighs 120 lbs. So I dont buy anybody humping that around the jungle, let alone the recoil forces involved with shooting it from an unmounted position.

The whole idea was:
"Thats Arnold Schwarzenegger! He is a 6ft3 bodybuilder! He can do it!"

Here he is "doing it"
in T2.. (said he had a m-79 (40mm) grenade launcher as well). (The one i could embed had a LOT of profanity on its page so i didnt embed that one. This is where he shoots from the 2nd floor of Cyberdine, when they go back to get that chip or whatever.)

and here is the scene from Predator. Various. From an MP5 on up.

This is what a lot of us think wars with aliens look like.
Originally Posted By: Quattro Pete
Hmm... RT critics seem to hate it. Audience seems to love it.

I think I'll wait until it comes out on DVD...

It's a good representation of how video gamers think the military is/works. It lacks a lot of the mundane 'hurry up and wait'/red-tape that is the cornerstone of the military. That's why I say it reads like a recruitment video. I think a lot of what I'm saying could be misinterpreted by people who haven't been in the service (specifically the Navy as I was) but it's pretty well known that the SEAL program is a major driver of recruitment.
Originally Posted By: xxch4osxx
Originally Posted By: SteveSRT8
Originally Posted By: stro_cruiser
I love action movies, love 'em but this, this is plain old war propaganda and recruitment, its disgusting. It really is a reflection of a profoundly sick society that we are.

While I somewhat agree I must say that we also must remain ready to defend ourselves. Some degree of gung-ho patriotism is good as it keeps enlistment going.

After all, there's no draft. And I think EVERYONE should have to serve for a couple of years.
I agree with the mandatory military service, once you turn 18 you should have to do 2 years service. That would smarten up alot of these lazy undisciplined kids that have no ambition to do anything with themselves.

You're from Canada. Does Canada even have a military?
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