Long but good week at work

Mar 12, 2015
In the shop
This week flew by but that’s a good thing. I’m dropping more weight too. Finally corporate boss’s listened to me and older techs. Got rid of our “regional supervisor” who didn’t do jack squat. He took away our nice tool allowance and clothing allowance. I voiced my issues straight to HR. He was a nerd to begin with; didn’t even know what a air chuck was, didn’t know anything about blown engine claims, and body work. Those broke camels back.

Now, my boss does lil’ less but he gave us back the allotted clothing allowance and raised tool allowance by $350! 😍😍

Also, 3 lazy, worthless oil change/tire techs got fired. I told upper management what “really got done at night shift”. Cameras inside and outside of shop did them in.

This is not a brag thread; just what being honest, busting your rear, and not happy with what is NOT done does in long term.
I hope this action doesn't cause you any grief. I fully agree that those that don't pull their weight at work should be fired, assuming there are some better people to bring in for replacement. Too often, the company can act to fire the slackers, but they don't re-hire anyone so you end up doing more yourself.
I hope this action doesn't cause you any grief. I fully agree that those that don't pull their weight at work should be fired, assuming there are some better people to bring in for replacement. Too often, the company can act to fire the slackers, but they don't re-hire anyone so you end up doing more yourself.
I got a raise again, so we are happy. Cameras definitely exploit the worthless, lazy freeloaders

I’m always busy at work so it’s good. Plus me and one older tech are #1 in productivity for our region. That says something.
I got a raise again, so we are happy. Cameras definitely exploit the worthless, lazy freeloaders

I’m always busy at work so it’s good. Plus me and one older tech are #1 in productivity for our region. That says something.

Nice, keep it up and you’ll be the big boss in the future. (y)
That's awesome. I unfortunately see way too many supervisors who are micromanagers and come in and try to change everything.
Hope your health continues to improve and things keep getting better at work. There's a difference between putting in a good honest day's work and busting your *** day in day out. You don't want to get to the finish line someday all broken down.
My pal was an Olds Cad shop mech/tech for a number of years. Sciatica got to him first and the body showed too many other signs of stress. He got a nice job training the GM techs as they rotated from shop/classroom to the dealers back and forth. He just retired early as more health concerns. He has always had a great work ethic over the many years that I've known him. He sees less of that himself over the years, with plenty of exceptions, but too many trying to coast along.
Nice to hear Adam. I wish we got a tool allowance that would be really nice. I’m glad to hear your week is well. Mine is too just long. They cut a bunch of our oil change guys back in January when the company was losing money.
This week flew by but that’s a good thing. I’m dropping more weight too. Finally corporate boss’s listen. ed to me and older techs. Got rid of our “regional supervisor” who didn’t do jack squat. He took away our nice tool allowance and clothing allowance. I voiced my issues straight to HR. He was a nerd to begin with; didn’t even know what a air chuck was, didn’t know anything about blown engine claims, and body work. Those broke camels back.

Now, my boss does lil’ less but he gave us back the allotted clothing allowance and raised tool allowance by $350! 😍😍

Also, 3 lazy, worthless oil change/tire techs got fired. I told upper management what “really got done at night shift”. Cameras inside and outside of shop did them in.

This is not a brag thread; just what being honest, busting your rear, and not happy with what is NOT done does in long term.
There is a LOT to job satisfaction. As mentioned and we've seen in other threads, it's not simply money or benefits or time off (although they help lol). We just got our bonuses today and I shook my head more than 30% gone. But when I look at it, fed income tax is only 22%. Social security is the 2nd biggest culprit at 6.2%. But this I don't even remember, medicare at 1,5%? Since when. So that makes me a bit sad. All these things piling on and when they're done I have 67% left, literally.

But, then I say, would you rather not get a raise and not get a bonus? Of course not. And my bonus isn't that I get it and a new big ticket item comes to papa, like my friend. My friend as soon as he got it wife buys a $6000 love seat. But when I look at him, with the big raise and big bonus, he's not happy at his job, constantly looking for a new one. Stupid, but I don't even have a resume and haven't had one in about 7 years, so I must not be unhappy I guess.

Congrats on your newly found positives at work. The little things often mean a lot and are appreciated. :)
I used to grumble about Social Security and Medicare deductions . Good Lord willing you'll live to collect a lot more than you contributed .
I used to grumble about Social Security and Medicare deductions . Good Lord willing you'll live to collect a lot more than you contributed .
It only took me a couple years. My wife's aunt is 105, so 40 years collecting.
This week flew by but that’s a good thing. I’m dropping more weight too. Finally corporate boss’s listened to me and older techs. Got rid of our “regional supervisor” who didn’t do jack squat. He took away our nice tool allowance and clothing allowance. I voiced my issues straight to HR. He was a nerd to begin with; didn’t even know what a air chuck was, didn’t know anything about blown engine claims, and body work. Those broke camels back.

Now, my boss does lil’ less but he gave us back the allotted clothing allowance and raised tool allowance by $350! 😍😍

Also, 3 lazy, worthless oil change/tire techs got fired. I told upper management what “really got done at night shift”. Cameras inside and outside of shop did them in.

This is not a brag thread; just what being honest, busting your rear, and not happy with what is NOT done does in long term.
What is an air chuck? 😁