Is there an OBD data logger with built-in memory?

May 4, 2008
I would like to connect something like my OBD Link MX+ to record driving data for a few days. Would also be nice to know if any shenanigans are going on when the "new drivers" use the vehicle.

Is there such a thing that has a small footprint like a code reader?
If it's only you then TorquePro in combination with the OBDLink does an admirable job of logging whatever and how extensive you want soon as the engine is started for example (you chose parameters to log and criteria) ................ new individual trip log file gets uploaded upon engine switch off for example.

New/other drivers ? ................... if you can convince/force them to use Torque whenever they use the vehicle then problem solved.

If you want to do it covertly, then hang around - I am sure somebody will suggest something
I'm pretty sure my Ultragauge can record max rpm and max speed, probably max throttle too. But just as single values, and you have to reset the trip to see what's going on each day.
Not sure of OBD, but I think UPS, FedEx and lots of trucking companies monitor their drivers with what you are considering. Do you also want video of the driver or just speed and location?
Not sure of OBD, but I think UPS, FedEx and lots of trucking companies monitor their drivers with what you are considering. Do you also want video of the driver or just speed and location?
Thanks, I do have Torque Pro but I won't be in the vehicle with them and want a weekly event.

For the new drivers, I trust them, but as a curious parent I want to also know what's going on. I've told them I was young once also, so just don't do foolish things.

The fleet companies use telematics and that likely will be $$$. Don't really need video, but they both want a dashcam anyway....and I agree. I have one in my vehicle.
I'd put a tracker on their cellphone that reports GPS info including speed. I'd get a better warm & fuzzy knowing where they are the present moment vs looking over logs a week later.